
Páginas: 5 (1120 palabras) Publicado: 28 de octubre de 2010

In the contemporary world, we face very polemic issues. Almost all of these issues are related to the human rights, religion, and so on. One of the issues that are related to human rights and even religion is abortion. Abortion causes the termination of the pregnancy and then causes the uterus to expel the products of conception. Abortion is related to both human rights and politicsbecause it denies life to an embryo; however, there are cases in which abortion is necessary. Sometimes the pregnancy must be interrupted because it endangers the life of the pregnant woman, or sometimes the pregnancy must be interrupted because it is the product of a rape and violence. Although some people think that abortion shouldn’t be allowed under any situation, I strongly believe thatabortion should be allowed when a woman has been raped or when the pregnancy put in risk the life the pregnant woman.
People against abortion under any situation say that abortion could cause mental problems to a woman after this procedure. However, there is evidence that says that the real cause of mental problems is forcing a woman to be pregnant when the pregnancy is a result of rape, or other kindof violence. Studies have shown that rape has a big impact of the mental health. Furthermore, when comparing victims of rape and non-victims, the studies show that mental disorders in victims of rape are more common than mental disorders on non-victims (Kilpatrick, par.1). With this information in mind, we can assume that having a pregnancy as a result of a violent act can strongly harm a woman’smental health. Anti-abortion supporters have tried to prove that abortion causes mental instability that can result in suicides. However, the main professional mental health associations state that these “instabilities” are not caused by abortion. For example, the “post abortion stress syndrome” is not recognized by either the American Psychological Association (APA) or the American PsychiatricAssociation (Cohen, par.2). That shows that any possible mental disorder after an abortion procedure in not necessarily caused by the abortion.
In Peru, antiabortion supporters say that abortion must not be committed because it is penalized by the Peruvian government. Nevertheless, the truth is that the Peruvian government allows abortion under some circumstances. Although the Catholic Churchhas a very strong opposition against abortion, the Peruvian government is taking a little bit liberal decision by allowing abortion when the life of the pregnant woman is in risk or when the embryo has suffered from several malformations (Krehoff, par.2). This shows that antiabortion supporters in Peru are wrong when they say that abortion is penalized by the government because there are cases inwhich abortion is permitted. Furthermore, some surveys made in Peru by the “Universidad de Lima” show that there is a tie between people who want abortion to be allowed in cases of rape or other kind of violence (Krehoff, par.3). As we can see, the Peruvian community is becoming a supporter of abortion under specific circumstances. As Peru is a democratic society, it might be the case in the futurethat due to the surveys and popular pressure, the Peruvian government would allow abortion in case of rape.
Another point that antiabortion supporters make is that abortion is a dangerous procedure in which both the mother and the embryo could die. However, there exist safe abortion procedures. One of the most safe abortion procedures is medical abortion. The difference between medical abortionand any other kind of abortion is that in medical abortion there is no need of a surgery intervention. Instead of surgeries, medical abortion uses drugs to end the pregnancy. To prove that this is not safe, people have stated that there are herbal preparations that have similar effects of the drugs used in medical abortion. However, the drugs used in medical abortion are reliable and effective...
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