Advertising Strategies

Páginas: 7 (1673 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2012
1.- What is an integrated marketing communications plan? Which are their strategic elements?
Is a process of strengthening mutually beneficial relationships with the employee, customer, in order to coordinate a strategic program communication trough different contacts. this integrated marketing communications plan (IMC)is a term used for integrating all the promotional tools, so that theywork together in harmony , It ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together.
Is necessary know the basic principles of communication in order to know and have influence in the target , now days the companies use four types of messages: planed messages, messages relative to the product, messages relatives to a service and no planed messages.

Product message
Non Planed messages

2. - Which are the elements of an advertising strategy?

An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services.
There are several key elements that should be focused upon in an advertising strategy:target audience, product specifications and presentation, advertising mediums, duration of the advertising campaign and projected results.
The principle element of an advertising strategy used is the “advertising pyramid” which is a progressive effect on mass audiences, especially for new products. It has five stages starting with the recognition, then comprehension, conviction, desire and action,all of them working on tree dimensions time, money and consumer.

3. – What are the components of a message strategy? Why are visual elements important in a message?
A message strategy is the development of message content for a specific target audience. There are eight elements that your strategy must contain to succeed.
- Real Customer They approach everyone equally A good strategyimplies that a small business cannot be all things to all people and must analyze its market and its own capabilities so as to focus on the 'real customer' it can serve best.
- Establish Marketing Goals When you have a marketing strategy and clear set of marketing goals there will be little to stop you. If you do not know where you are going, how are you going to get there?
- DifferentiatingFactors Being unique in the marketplace is an imperative small business marketing strategy. Uniqueness can be a make-or-break element in today's business world.
- A Clear Target For your marketing to be cost effective you need to pick a target audience, or your niche, to focus on. By marketing to your target audience, who you know already have a need for your product/service, you immediately increaseyour campaign's likelihood of success.
- Strong Message Marketing is all about communication. When you communicate well, you make sales; if you cause confusion, you fail. It's that simple. Creating a strategy for a consistent marketing message is critical to your success.
- Brand Identity Every business needs an identity that is part of a focused marketing strategy. How do you want the marketand your customers to perceive you?
- Positioning Plan The best you can do is to position yourself with your marketing strategy to be the best choice, lowest risk they have in their buying process. Ensure that your company's inside reality is the outside perception in your prospects mind.
- Financial Projections After campaign decisions are made and implemented you need to evaluate how wellthey are performing. Set standards of performance and evaluate results against them.
Ads come in all shapes and sizes but they have a common goal, in order to sell a product, a service, a brand. Text, visuals, or a combination of the two are the main elements of any print ad because visual images help viewers to grasp the idea and perceive the meaning and message of at once, and appeal to...
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