Afp Cumprum Inglés

Páginas: 3 (585 palabras) Publicado: 8 de octubre de 2012
Afp crupum
founded in 1981 with the launching of the new social security system in Chile, AFP Cuprum has been associated with the copper mining market from its onset.
In 1988, Empresas PentaS.A. acquired a stake in AFP Cuprum, contributing its extensive assets management experience, which allowed AFP Cuprum to achieve significant market figures, both in number of affiliates and in the worthof its funds.
All these years, Cuprum has strived to provide its customers all-encompassing social security advice, is the pension funds administrator that attracts the largest percentage ofhigh-income affiliates, and has the highest voluntary savings accounts balances. AFP Cuprum also boasts the highest balances managed in APV, achieving a 27.6% market share as of May 2006, overtaking all theother players in this market.
The only AFP recognized in the 2005 corporate reputation ranking
In 2005 Cuprum was recognized as one of the 25 companies with the best corporate reputation in Chile,according to a ranking prepared by the foreign newspaper Hill and Knowlton Captiva in conjunction with the Chilean newspaper La Tercera. A milestone: first time an AFP makes this ranking.
25 years ofsustained growth
As of December 2005, Cuprum managed funds in excess of US$13.2 billion, split in debt and equity securities, both in Chile and abroad.
AFP Cuprum fund in US$ millions
(as of June30, 2006)

Source: Superintendency of Pension Funds Administrators (SAFP)
People in the know trust AFP Cuprum.
No.1 in market share of high-income customers (as of March 2006).
As of March 2006,AFP Cuprum has the largest market share of high-income customers.

Market share in high income customers (as of March 2006)

Source: SAFP quarterly statistics (as of March 2006)
Largest averagebalance in voluntary savings accounts.
As of March 2006, AFP Cuprum has the largest average balance in voluntary savings accounts.
Average voluntary savings accounts balance as of May 2006
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