
Páginas: 2 (253 palabras) Publicado: 25 de enero de 2010

Nowadays the Internet is the new way to communicate, there is not doubt about it. It had changed people´slives and in most cases for the better. However, you have to see the benefits with it problems. On the good side if you surf the Internet,you will find new information. Perhaps if that tool hadn´t been, you wouldn´t have known our context. The principal advantage is that it isless expensive and more convenient way to keep in touch with humanity. On the other side, not all information you find on the Internetis reliability. If you had downloaded files, you would have affected by computer viruses. In this way the principal problem is thesecurity. If you share your personal information, you are going to be in risk. Internet fraud is a growing international problem.

TheInternet within the top five inventions in history. It facilitate our lives and at the same time we make our lives more efficient . YouTube is aexample of the good and bad use of the Internet. When you share videos you find the pros and cons. If it hasn´t existed, lots peoplewouldn´t have had the opportunity to keep knowledge about things that are there for everybody without discriminate. On the other hand, Ithink the cons that we see are because of the use of we do with it. The tool is not bad, the bad fame of it is fault of our creative minds.
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