Análisis de un artículo científico

Páginas: 4 (795 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2011
Commentary of a scientific article

Moisés Veros Álvarez
Scientific Writing 2009/2010
Aurora Astor Guardiola

Colour code: Present tense Past tense
Modal auxiliary Signalwords

Front page

On the front page it appears the name of the journal that publishes the article, the title, a list of the authors, the publication data and the bibliography reference.Abstract

Order and structure

The abstract is on the first page and its structure is correct. It includes background information (line 1 - line 2), main purpose (line 2 - line 3), methodology (line 4 -line 8), the most important results (line 9 - line 12) and conclusions (line 13 - line 16).

Language Conventions

The abstract keeps the language conventions. Each section is written in itsappropriate verb tense.


Order and structure

Introduction is on the first page and its structure is: context. (line 1 - line 15), situation (line 16 - line 21), need (line 21 - line32), purpose (line 32 - line 34) and value (line 34 - line 36). This structure follows the conventions. The most curious is the extension of need in relation with the other sections.


In context, old information is referred correctly, the articles (general and specific) are used following conventions and it’s written in present tense.
Situation is written in presentperfect tense because the information is prominent citation. There aren’t author prominent citation nor weak author prominent citation.
Need is written in present perfect and present simple tense. Signalword “However” is used for two times.
Purpose section keeps the structure “Purpose + was + research question” and it is written in past tense.
Value section keeps the structure “Research + modalauxiliary (might) + value” and it is written in past tense.
This section is well composed on the basis of language conventions.

Order and structure

Method goes from page two to page...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas