Analysis de una coleccion de cristales por

Páginas: 3 (558 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2012
True Dreams
"GO, then! Go to the moon-you selfish dreamer!”

What really mean for you to be the hope of your family? That dream that your family is waiting for; to be the example for yourfamily; all that pressure in front of you; what really mean all those words? Wait!… Forget it! You know that you are the only one who have to make those decisions, this is not dad and mom’s business.We are in the 21st century, come on, all that crap from the old times is history; leave that to the old-fashioned ones; this is just a mere story. The great depression era is gone. Responsibility isduty of everybody. Do you really believe this is true?
Although Tom Winfield, the narrator and of the protagonists on the novel, doesn’t seem to understand the nature of her sister’s secret world theway Jim does; Tom at least recognizes that Laura has a secret world to begin with. And he clearly cares very deeply for her, struck with guilt and self-loathing when he breaks her glass animals withhis coat. Tom reveals at the end of the play that he could never shake off the memory of Laura. He seems to feel guilty at having left her behind. Amanda, on the other hand, he’s not so chummy with.In fact, he calls her a witch at one point. You could even say she’s the one to really drive him away, but he never express, or says anything about her.
There’s also this issue of his missing fatherwho fell in love with long distances. Tom frequently comments on the fact that he is similar to his father – willing to abandon the family and never come back. He almost seems to use this as anexcuse, a sort of it-is-in-my-genes this kind of thing when he tells his plan to Jim. Whether or not, Tom has to be criticized on moral grounds for abandoning the family.
But Tom focuses on what ends upbeing the core of his character, his desire to get the hell out of town. Tom wants adventure, excitement, new experiences, and new places; in short, the opposite of what he was getting working at the...
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