Animal Cruelty

Páginas: 6 (1278 palabras) Publicado: 6 de agosto de 2011
Animal cruelty is a disturbing problem that still occurs today and is evident in many forms. Some major methods are listed below. Many of the issues, such as hunting, can cause heated debates around the world. Others are not debatable.
There are many different reasons why individuals abuse animals. Animal cruelty covers a wide range of actions (or lack of action), so one blanketanswer simply isn't possible. Each type of abuse has displayed certain patterns of behavior that we can use to help understand more about why people commit the crimes we encounter today.
Animal cruelty is often broken down into two main categories: active and passive, also referred to as commission and omission, respectively.
Passive cruelty is typified by cases of neglect, where the crime is alack of action rather than the action itself - however do not let the terminology fool you. Severe animal neglect can cause incredible pain and suffering to an animal.
Examples of neglect are starvation, dehydration, parasite infestations, allowing a collar to grow into an animal's skin, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and failure to seek veterinary care when an animal needsmedical attention.
In many cases of neglect where an investigator feels that the cruelty occurred as a result of ignorance, they may attempt to educate the pet owner and then revisit the situation to check for improvements. In more severe cases however, exigent circumstances may require that the animal is removed from the site immediately and taken in for urgent medical care.
Active crueltyimplies malicious intent, where a person has deliberately and intentionally caused harm to an animal, and is sometimes referred to as NAI (Non-Accidental Injury). Acts of intentional cruelty are often some of the most disturbing and should be considered signs of serious psychological problems. This type of behavior is often associated with sociopathic behavior and should be taken very seriously.Animal abuse in violent homes can take many forms and can occur for many reasons. Many times a parent or domestic partner who is abusive may kill, or threaten to kill, the household pets to intimidate family members into sexual abuse, to remain silent about previous or current abuse, or simply to psychologically torture the the victims, flexing their "power".
Since 1990 captive elephants have killed43 people. Elephants are peaceful animals, and this suggests that their treatment and cruel training techniques cause the animal to suffer and act in defense.
Bullfights and cockfights still exist in today's world. Bullfights in particular being incredibly gruesome and cruel, with animals being tortured and having spears thrown into their backs until they finally succumb to a slow death.Greyhounds after finishing their racing life are often killed or sent for experimentation.
It is said that over 70 million animals are tortured and killed in US laboratories each year. Rabbits are routinely blinded in a process named the 'Draize' test. The Draize test protects companies from potential lawsuits, and does not necessarily protect or guarantee human safety. Purchasing cosmetics fromcompanies who specify no animal testing is one small step that can be taken to prevent animal cruelty. The medical research field also take part in animal experimentation.
Over 10 billion animals are slaughtered for human consumption each year. From cattle to chickens. Laying hens are kept in tiny cages, and many of the hens die from stress or disease. Dairy farmers are known to keep cows pregnant viaartificial insemination to improve the cows productivity.
Animals are 'harvested' for their fur on 'fur farms', millions of animals each year are killed. Animal cruelty is also prevalent in the trapping of animals, which is one known method many trappers use.
Hunting is one unnecessary method of animal cruelty. Whilst some hunting takes place for food consumption, many other animals die a slow...
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