Article critique

Páginas: 3 (575 palabras) Publicado: 31 de enero de 2011
Critique # 4
Second Language Learners Recall Their Native Language
Nonnative-English speaking teachers in the English teaching profession
Anxiety in ESL students in comprehension tests

CarolaM. Roman
English 608
Caribbean University Vega Baja
Dr. S. Centeno 
In the article about second language learners recalling their native language when reading, Yan Jing Wu, PhD and GuillaumeThierry, PhD conclude that people who learn a second language after the age of twelve bring to conscious level the sounds of words from their native language. This study was done with Chinese people. Theysay that “bilingual individuals retrieve information from their native language even when it is not necessary or, even more surprising, when it is counterproductive, since native language informationdoes not help when reading or listening” This statement basically explains the whole article. I find the information is incomplete. The study shows only research with native Chinese learning Englishas a second language, but I find that it should include natives from other countries for the study to do justice. Chinese is an extreme opposite to English, even in the alphabet and writing, meaningthat the results gained from the research are too narrow.

The article written by Rosie Maum about nonnative English speaking teachers in the English teaching profession has a very interesting pointof view. According to the author it is perceived in the United States that the ideal English teachers should be a native English speaker, regardless of their preparation in teaching. This representsa challenge for nonnative English speaking teachers as they are harshly judged for their performance on a daily basis by their peers and even students. Accent and credibility are two of the mainchallenges they have to face. However, the author concludes according to research made with students from native English speaking teachers and nonnative English speaking teachers that the knowledge they...
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