
Páginas: 143 (35704 palabras) Publicado: 31 de mayo de 2011
Facultade de Informática Departamento de Computación

PhD Thesis

Automatic system for personal authentication using the retinal vessel tree as biometric pattern

Author: Marcos Ortega Hortas Supervisor: Manuel Fco. González Penedo A Coruña, June 2009

Facultade de Informática Departamento de Computación

PhD Thesis

Automatic system for personal authentication using the retinalvessel tree as biometric pattern

Author: Marcos Ortega Hortas Supervisor: Manuel Fco. González Penedo A Coruña, June 2009

Dr. Manuel Francisco González Penedo Profesor Titular de Universidad Dpto. de Computación Universidade da Coruña


Que la memoria titulada  Automatic

system for personal authentication using
ha sido realizada por D. Marcos

the retinal vessel treeas biometric pattern

Ortega Hortas bajo mi dirección en el Departamento de Computación de la Universidade da Coruña y concluye la Tesis Doctoral que presenta para optar al grado de Doctor en Informática. Y para que así conste rmo la presente en

A Coruña, 16 de Junio de 2009

Fdo.: Manuel Fco. González Penedo Director de la Tesis Doctoral

This work is the result ofa lot of work, experiences and dedication not only of my own. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude and acknowledgements to all the people who helped me during this process. I would like to start with my Ph.D. advisor, Manuel González Penedo, who made this possible with his strong advises, support and, specially, the enormous patience and eort this work demanded all this time. I wouldlike to express my most sincere gratitude to the University of A Coruña, and in particular to the Department of Computer Science for their support in the development of this thesis. Also, thanks to the Xunta de Galicia and Ministry of Science and Innovation for funding my research. Also, enormous gratitude and appreciation to Prof. Massimo Tistarelli for sharing with me his knowledge and theoutstanding research performed in his group during a research stay in Sardegna (Italy). I'd like to show my gratitude to all the people I met there: Manuele, Linda, Massimo G., Elif, Andrea, Gavin, Enrico, etc. I sincerely thank you all for a really unforgettable time. Thanks to all the members of the VARPA team, past and present for taking part in this sensational group, specially Cas, Noelia andCarmen for allowing me to steal a lot of their time. Also, special thanks to José and Gabriel for their unparalleled ability to share their brilliant minds for every problem. They make the everyday life more enjoyable and, more important, bearing with me


in every situation in a remarkable way. Also thanks to the "Lambda team", Jose, Mene and Marta for their patience in the whining days.Last but denitely not least, thanks to my parents and grandparents for being always there any time I need them. This also certainly applies to Verónica, one of the most valuable human beings I have ever met and the one person I could not nish thanking all the good things she brings into my life. Of course, all of my friends who supported me and shared the good and not-so-good moments along theroad deserve a lot of credit: Yago, Xabi, Laura, Álex, María José and all the people who supports me out there in real life. THANKS!

Marcos Ortega

To my parents, Juan and María Luz To Verónica

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?

 Albert Einstein

Resumen de la tesis
La autenticación able de personas es un serviciocuya demanda aumenta en muchos campos, no sólo en entornos policiales o militares sino también en aplicaciones civiles tales como el control de acceso a zonas restringidas o la gestión de transacciones nancieras. Los sistemas de autenticación tradicionales están basados en el conocimiento (una palabra clave o un


o en

la posesión (una tarjeta, o una llave). Dichos sistemas no son...
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