Bullying everybody's problem

Páginas: 3 (517 palabras) Publicado: 15 de febrero de 2012
Bullying everybody's problem
Bullying, is a phenomenon that occurs in all schools and institutions, is mainly based on psychological, physical abuse and verbal or produced between students and is aglobal problem. Many parents do not even know that their children are being victims and even participate in this in some cases. Institutions must have a highly qualified psychological system that candetect this kind of problems before they lead to both physical and emotional harm on the victims; who vary from social blockade, harassment, manipulation, coercion, social exclusion, intimidation,assaults and threats. Prevention would be an ideal solution, the same that must begin at home, and so school conflicts are easier to solve by institutional guides.
Psychological, verbal or physicalabuse faced by students is very common, especially in schools and taking this higher rate in children between 12 and 13 years, and even more in girls. Starts the attacker which seeks to Excel: is the lackof attention which induces it this, will be overcome himself depreciating the other to thus become dominant and respectable. In turn this attacker will cause in the victim an emotional disorder, thesame that will bring consequences as it does not want to go to school, to a great depression, even to suicide. An example clearly bullying committed suicide is a 14 year old boy, Jokin Zeberio. Hesuffered from a constant harassment by their peers for years. The continuing threats, humiliation, insults, blows, they did suffer and took him to the death. He was thrown from the top of a wall with hisbicycle, and his last words were "Free, free. My eyes will remain even if they stop my feet."
Bullying, mainly effects on a very important aspect of the development of any person, the self-esteem.Self-esteem is affected in all cases of bullying and low self-esteem as originate greater suffering, psychological illnesses, depression, the neurosis, a series of dissatisfaction and pain situations...
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