Calentamiento global

Páginas: 5 (1019 palabras) Publicado: 5 de mayo de 2011
How does global warming affect animals?

How does global warming affects penguins in the Antarctic?
Global warming is a term used to refer to the phenomenon of the increase in global average temperature of the Earth, atmosphere and oceans. Coinciding since the end of the small age of the ice around the year 1850, the temperature has experienced a rise of 2.5 ° C to the present. This increasewas accentuated in the last decades of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. Copies of the most affected species of global warming in the Antarctic would be those belonging to the phytoplankton. There is photosynthesis and is the staple food of the krill. The penguins suffer indirectly on global warming because krill is its main food.
What he consequences does the globalwarming produce in the Antarctic?
The decline in sea ice, given to the cause as quoted, is generating displacement of icebergs that erode the sea bed, which crushed to animals and plants that inhabit the sector up to 500 meters of depth. 80% of marine life lies on the bed, with which a change in the conditions of that area could be the start of a series of transformations on the white continent.While the displacement of the icebergs can create conditions so that they inhabited new nocturnal animals, too attack the seabed could change the distribution of key species and affect the type and amount of creatures that live in Antarctic waters point to the scientists. According to the projections of the specialists, the movement of icebergs should increase in the coming months given to the globalwarming that reduces the size and duration of the sea ice in winter.
How Does that affect the animals?
There they feed on small fish and squid, depending on less than the krill is already happening in smaller amounts due to global warming and other small crustaceans that many other marine mammals. As they are at the top of the chain of food for your region, they are sensitive indicators ofchanges in the marine ecosystem and the effects of climate change manifest themselves in amplified form in them. But the surface temperatures of the sea in the winter range of the penguins decreased the amount of existing marine prey, which decreased the survival of the adult penguins.

Can the disappearance of animals happen due to global warming?
All the rubbish thrown by the man causes theanimal pain, suffering and death of a million animals a year. (Some 700,000 seabirds, 30,000 seals and hundreds of turtles). According to the global Marine Litter information Gateway, an initiative of the ecological program of the United Nations, only between the coasts of Japan and the US fleet a carpet of about 3 million tones, a surface similar to the Centre of Europe. This is material that takesthousands of years to degrade. Currently, there are six times more plastic than plankton in the Pacific. The most problematic material is plastic. The use of synthetic materials has grown enormously in the last 30 years. The world is lost hundreds of thousands of species, many of them even before being discovered by science. Thus, not only lost biological variability, but also genetic diversity,sources of livelihoods for future generations. A species threatened with extinction is a species which may become extinct in the near future. Throughout the history of the evolution, millions of species have disappeared due to natural processes. In the last 300 years, however, humans have multiplied the extinction rate per thousand. For the entire natural, plant and animal species, live is a dailydanger, they should take care of their fellow human beings, particularly of the most powerful predator that exists on Earth: the man. Ecological disasters, deforestation and other consequences of human action cause damage in the food chain. In today's world the extinction of animal species is not so directly related with the shortage of food or pollution, and direct violent action (unregulated...
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