Calla Model

Páginas: 19 (4679 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2012
The CALLA Model: Strategies for
ELL Student Success
Workshop for Region 10
New York City Board of Education
New York, NY

Presented by
Anna Uhl Chamot, Ph.D.
Jill Robbins, Ph.D.
Second Language Learning Consultants

The CALLA M odel: S trategies f or ELL S tud ent Success©2005 Cham ot & Robbins

Table of Contents
Workshop Objectives.................................................................................................................... 3
A Walk Around CALLA ................................................................................................................... 4
Brainstorm: Teaching and Learning Strategies ..................................................................... 5
Experience a CALLA Lesson......................................................................................................... 6
CALLA Lesson Analysis .................................................................................................................. 9
The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach ....................................................... 11
Introduction and Overview: CALLA and Content and Language LearningStrategies13
Analyzing Textbook Language ................................................................................................... 16
CALLA Instructional Sequence ................................................................................................. 19
Plan Content & Language Components of a CALLA Lesson ................................................20
CALLA Content andLanguage Learning Strategies ............................................................28
Assignment: Identify your Students’ Learning Strategies..............................................34
Online Resources ...........................................................................................................................35
Selected References....................................................................................................................36
CALLA Workshop Evaluation......................................................................................................39


The CALLA M odel: S trategies f or ELL S tud ent Success©2005 Cham ot & Robbins


• Understand CALLA components and research background.
• Identify yourlearning strategies – and those of your
• Use the CALLA instructional sequence to plan a lesson that
integrates content, academic language, and learning


The CALLA M odel: S trategies f or ELL S tud ent Success©2005 Cham ot & Robbins

Walk around the room and use a sticky-note paper to write your answer to the
questions on the chart paper.Place the note on the chart. When you have answered all
the questions, you can go back and look at what others have written.
As we discuss the answers, you may take notes below.

Give an example of eliciting student’s prior content and language knowledge?
(ie: KWL)

2. How do you make language and content comprehensible to your students? (ie:
visual aids)

3. How do you incorporatereading and writing instruction in different content
areas? (ie: use math word problems as comprehension activities, write a lab
report of a science experiment)

4. What hands-on approaches do you use for teaching content? (ie: field trip)

5. What learning strategy do you teach most often? (ie: predicting)

6. How do you select a language activity to complement a content lesson? (ie: alistening comprehension activity on a content topic)

7. What is a student self-evaluation activity that you have used? (ie: learning log)

8. How do you teach learning strategies? (ie: model thinking aloud to students)


The CALLA M odel: S trategies f or ELL S tud ent Success©2005 Cham ot & Robbins




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