
Páginas: 3 (632 palabras) Publicado: 22 de diciembre de 2011
PUERTO LA CRUZ, 11 de Julio de 2011


Verbos Auxiliares

* Auxiliar Be: Es Ser o estar, sirve para nombrar a las personas
Forma Negativa: They aren’t going tothe school
Forma Positiva: They are going to the school
Forma Interrogativa: Are they going to the school?

* Auxiliar Have: expresa necesidad
Forma Positiva: They Have gone to the school
FormaInterrogativa: Have they gone to the school?
Forma Negativa: They Haven’t gone to the school

* Auxiliar Do: indica acción y significa hacer
Forma Negativa: They don’t go to the school
FormaPositiva: They go to the school
Forma Interrogativa: Do they go to the school

* Auxiliar Can: Expresa capacidad actual.
Forma Positiva: I can help him?
Forma Interrogativa: .Can you helphim?
Forma Negativa: No, I can’t help him.
Expresa posibilidad.
Forma Positiva: He can meet you at the station
También para otorgar y pedir permiso.
Forma Interrogativa: Can I see the picture?* Auxiliar Could: Es para pedir permiso.
Forma Interrogativa: Could I borrow your pencil?
Expresa capacidad.
Forma Positiva: He could skate when he was very Young.
Forma Interrogativa:Could he skate when he was very Young?
Forma Negativa: No, he could not skate when he mas very Young.
Expresa posibilidad.
Forma Positiva: I could go whit you tomorrow.

* Auxiliar May: Otorgar ypedir permiso.
Forma Interrogativa: May open the door?
Forma Positiva: Yes, you may open the door.
Forma Negativa: No, you may not open the door.
También expresa posibilidades.
Forma Positiva:I may get a scholarship.

* Auxiliar Might: Expresa posibilidad sin alto grado de certeza.
Forma Positiva: I might a get a scholarship.
Forma Interrogativa: Might you get a scholarship?
FormaNegativa: I might not get a scholarship.

* Auxiliar Shall: Se utiliza para futuro.
Forma Positiva: I Shall see that it is done promptly.
También para solicitud de acuerdo.
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