Chemical Reactions

Páginas: 2 (277 palabras) Publicado: 26 de octubre de 2012

The hypothesis was proven correct. The reacion of the chemicals with the gas flame was that it made it change. It could be seen which chemicalhad the greatest energy due to the fact that each color represents a certain quantum jump. Potassium chloride was the chemical were the electrons excited themost because the flame showed a violet color, which in the spectrum is the one with most energy and frequency. It could be tell that when electrons excite theyreturn very fast to their ground state due to the fact the the color of the flame lasted seconds.

Possible errors might have been that the wire wasn'tcompletely cleaned, so that the chemical that was thought to be tested wasn't the real chemical on the flame. Also that a prism wasn't used to see the spectral lines,which would've been very useful to to tell the difference between each chemical.

If this experiment was to be repeated , more than one wire should be used,so that there's complete certainty about the chemical that its tested. Another thing is that it should be done in a darker room, were the color of the flame canbe very well seen. It should also been repeated more times and a prism should've been used to tell the different spectral lines of each chemical.

ConclusionThe hypothesis was proven correct because the chemicals did reacted with the gas flame, changing it of color. This occurred because the atoms of theelements got excited by the heat. Some of them made bigger quantum jumps reflecting a light purple light, while others did smaller quantum jumps reflecting red light.
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