Choca esos cinco

Páginas: 6 (1427 palabras) Publicado: 19 de julio de 2010
High Five! is another management book told in parable style. This time the lessons are about teamwork.
Alan Foster and an old highschool teacher, Miss Weatherby, are the central characters. Alan learns about teamwork after being fired from his job for not being a team player. He is brought into the coaching circle of his son’s ice hockey team and learns the skills of team building and teamparticipation from the ancient and retired teacher/coach, Miss Weatherby.
We are taken through the journey of skill acquisition and application, although there are no specific examples of how certain steps are actually achieved. It is the only real downfall of the parable style, that the authors are telling a story and therefore do not give ‘examples’ for application in the real world.
In sayingthat, the concepts are imparted in a pleasant style and in a “feel-good” way. I would really like to see both Gung Ho and High Five followed up with real-life examples in a traditional management text format, as a further assistance to take the concepts into practice.
*************************************************************************************High Five! combines the spellbinding charm of atimeless parable with cutting-edge information about why teams are important and what individuals and organizations can do to build successful ones.
Through the story of Alan Foster, a workplace one-man band, High Five! identifies the four key ingredients of winning teams. Although Alan is an effective producer, he is unwilling to share the spotlight by partnering on projects and is fired because,as his boss puts it, "Alan, we need good producers who are good team players, too." It is a bitter pill for him to swallow.
While mulling over his disappointment, he takes his son to his grade-five hockey practice, where it is clear that his son's team, the Riverbend Warriors, knows nothing about teamwork, either. When the team's two overworked coaches learn of Alan's plight, they persuade himto join their ranks, and he finds himself charged with teaching himself and the players the meaning of teamwork. With the help of a woman friend-a former girls' basketball coach who has "won more high school basketball championships than anyone"-Alan and the Warriors learn the magic of teamwork and that "none of us is as smart as all of us."
With its simple style and easy-to-follow techniques,High Five! is a must-read for anyone seeking to learn the value and power of teamwork.
Choca esos cinco es un libro que nos enseña a como trabajar en equipo y a la vez nos enseña como se puede aprender de los errores. Se puede ver que Alan, personaje principal de estahistoria, aprendió paso a paso a como trabajar en equipo, a como organizarlo y a saber que el trabajo de muchas personas vale mas que el trabajo de una sola. Al mismo tiempo Alan se dio cuenta que aquel que trabaja en equipo tiene que saber cuando tomar decisiones y saber que cada empleado tiene un gran trabajo en una empresa.
Como dijo el autor en la obra, un grupo no es lo mismo que un equipo,un grupo tiene personas que solo se dedican a alcanzar una meta y lograrla sin importar el precio, la mayoría de las veces fracasan ya que no trabajan en equipo, mientras que un equipo es un grupo de personas que trabajan juntos, sabiendo el trabajo de cada uno, un equipo son aquellas personas logran vencer cualquier obstáculo sabiendo que son mejores.
El titulo del libro tiene mucha referencia enlo que es el contexto del libro, el concepto de Choca esos cinco, se refiere a que cuando dos o mas personas trabajan en equipo la energía que tiene cada uno para trabajar se debe transmitir y la mejor forma para esto es chocarse las manos al lograr un objetivo.
Choca esos cinco! captura el poder y la visión de los grandes equipos. Ilustra brillantemente la dinámica del trabajo en equipo y por...
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