
Páginas: 4 (894 palabras) Publicado: 21 de abril de 2013

Laboratorio de Procesos Metalúrgicos I


Título de práctica

Fusión de un mineral
Nombre del alumno

Ivan Steven Menacho Castillo 103875

Corcuera Urbina, JuanAgustín
Fecha de Realización

11 de Marzo del 2013

Lima, 25 de Marzo de 2013


1. INTRODUCCION……………………………………………………………………………………3
2. METODOLOGIA SEGUIDA……………………………………………………………………..4
3. PRESENTACION DE RESULTADOS………………………………………………………….5
4. DISCUSION DERESULTADOS…………………………………………………………………8
5. RESOLUCION DE CUESTIONARIO………………………………………………………….8
6. CONCLUSIONES…………………………………………………………………………………….10

The pyrometallurgy isthe branch of metallurgy that is responsible for the production and purification of metals through the use of heat. This is the more traditional technique of extracting metals from minerals,eliminating the gangue, that is without mineral silicates or other interest, which are discarded for the metal from the ore.
This production method was the first to be used. Metals such as iron, nickel,copper, gold, etc. Are obtained from the ore using this technique, which is used in large proportion due to being a very fast process compared to others, but has the disadvantage of being quite pollutantto the environment.
In pyrometallurgy, once the bargain is possible to eliminate, or at least mostly, begins the process of obtaining the metal. This process is essentially a chemical reduction, it isnecessary to convert the metal from its positive oxidation number (with mineral appearing in the Free State) at the zero oxidation number:
Mn+ + ne- → M
This reduction can be accomplished in twoways:
Pyrometallurgical or thermally, includes various processes such as calcination, roasting and reduction. All processes of this pathway are produced at high temperatures...
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