
Páginas: 2 (473 palabras) Publicado: 3 de diciembre de 2014
 iced cake
 four eggs
* A cup of sugar
* Half cup flour
* One teaspoon baking powder
One sachet of strawberrygelatin
* Three cups water
* A can of evaporated milk frozen
Vanilla Bizcochuelo for:
Separate the egg whites and yolks, beat the egg yolks with half the sugar in another bowl beat the egg whitesuntil stiff adding sugar just as rain. Book.
About the yolks are beaten just adding the sifted flour with baking powder and be interspersed with the egg whites until stiff and place in a greased andfloured pan. Bake at 180 degrees C. for 20 minutes. Cut into two discs of twenty inches in diameter, or the size of the mold.
For the mouse gelatin:
Apart dilute half the strawberry gelatin in a cup ofhot water and set aside in two parts. Half of those two parties put in greased pan, bring to cold and allowed to solidify, add sliced strawberries and cover with the remaining half of the gelatin andreturn to cold it sets completely.
Beat the frozen until foam and add the remaining strawberry gelatin diluted in the remaining milk boiled water. Book.
For assembly, where the gelatin mold is

Para el Bizcochuelo de vainilla:
*Cuatro huevos
*Una taza de azúcar
*Media taza de harina
*Una cucharadita de polvo de hornear
*Un sobre de gelatina de fresa
*Tres tazas de agua
*Unalata de leche evaporada congelada
Para el Bizcochuelo de vainilla:

Separar las claras y las yemas, batir las yemas con la mitad del azúcar, en otro recipiente batir las claras a punto de nieveagregándole el azúcar de a pocos en forma de lluvia. Reservar.

Sobre las yemas batidas agregar de a pocos la harina previamente cernida junto con el polvo de hornear e ir intercalando con las clarasbatidas a punto de nieve y colocar en un molde enmantequillado y enharinado. Llevar al horno a 180 grados C. por 20 minutos. Cortar en dos discos de veintidós centímetros de diámetro, o del tamaño...
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