
Páginas: 6 (1283 palabras) Publicado: 12 de mayo de 2010

1. How migration has changed some social patterns in some European countries?
R: Migration is a really important factor on how the social patterns change. UK attitudes towards asylum seekers have frequently been negative. In 2000 the idea of detaining asylum seekers was first mooted by conservative opposition. Political responses and media coverage of the issues both reflectand create anxieties about the perceived threat of large numbers of seeking people asylum.

2. What is a passport and why we need one?
R: Passport allows people to travel across national borders, and perhaps more significantly, the lack of a passport denies people access to a country in which they might want to live.
If you have a passport, this can offer specific rights through thesecurity of citizenship, as well as the duties that are expected of a citizen of that state.

3. Who is a citizen?
R: citizen includes everyone born in a specific country, as well as a person born aboard to a specific state parents, or who immigrated to the country and became naturalized citizen of the country. It also includes people who derive the citizenship through a parent orgrandparent.

4. What does citizenship involves?
R: Marshall divided the citizenship in 3 main elements that are civil, political, and social. The first one is civil. Civil rights are those that are guaranteed through the legal system, which is through the law courts. The law defends the person and the property of a citizen and provides a means through which individuals can seek to protectthemselves, through both criminal, and, in case of individuals, civil law.
The second one is political citizenship that gives us the right to participate in activities involving political power, most obviously and most commonly by voting, although holding political office is another aspect of this participation.
Finally, the social citizenship, which is the right to enjoy reasonable,appropriate standard of living, that is one which is possible through access education and welfare systems. Social citizenship involves addressing some of the problems of inequalities in modern society. Access to welfare systems, such as health, social insurance, unemployment and child benefits and housing redress some of the inequalities which necessarily arise in a society based on a capitalism mode ofproduction.

5. Activity page 59: What does this example tell us about equal rights of citizenship?
R: That even if a country says that has multiculturism, sometimes there are certain things they are not conscious of, like traditions, a country let them stay but they have to follow a certain stereotype of how to act or how to dress according to the society and traditions they are into, Idon’t disagree with the fact that they have to follow certain rules that are from each society, but they have traditions and beliefs, maybe not the same this new society have, but you can’t take this away from people, because you will be taking out of them their identity as human beings, in the examples I read, I noticed this part in societies, and the people that has more power, those people is theone that decides what to do in some cases, they agree of letting them use what their traditions and beliefs tell them to do, but they had to organized and complement this with the traditions of the society they are living in, is a way of respecting each other, like ‘I will not ask you to leave your traditions if you don’t ask me to’. There is nothing wrong in wanting to keeps your traditions andbeliefs alive.

6. How women as gender had been excluded from their rights of citizenship?
R: At first the word ‘men’ has been taken to include women, as if there were no significant differences between women and men; we are all human beings. At particular times ad societies, ‘man’ does mean ‘man’, and women mean ‘nothing’, so this means that women are denied equal rights, such as the...
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