
Páginas: 5 (1199 palabras) Publicado: 23 de abril de 2014
Por flexibilidad se entiende a la característica de flexible. Se trata de una palabra que permite resaltar la disposición de un individuo u objeto para ser doblado con facilidad, la condición de plegarse según la voluntad de otros y la susceptibilidad para adaptarse a los cambios de acuerdo a las circunstancias.

Colombian Artist Botero Says 'Not Obsessed with Fat Women'Colombian artist Fernando Botero (L), accompanied by his wife Sophia Vari, watch bullfight performance at La Macarena bullring on January 25, 2014 in Medellín, Antioquia deparment, Colombia. AFP Photo
MADRID - Colombia's Fernando Botero, whose paintings and sculptures of plump women have won him recognition as one of Latin America's most famous living artists, says he is "not obsessed" with fatwomen.

The 81-year-old insisted in an interview published on Sunday that his bulky subjects are not fat, preferring instead to call them "volumetric."

"I don't paint fat women. Nobody believes me but it is true. What I paint are volumes. When I paint a still life I also paint with volume, if I paint an animal it is volumetric, a landscape as well," he told daily Spanish newspaper El Mundo."I am interested in volume, the sensuality of form. If I paint a woman, a man, a dog or a horse, I always do with this idea of the volume, it is not that I have an obsession with fat women," he added.

Asked if he was attracted to "fat women", Botero said: "No, no, not at all. I have been attached to three women, all of them skinny."

Botero said his wife, Greek artist Sophia Vari, weightsjust 55 kilos (121 pounds).

He had three children with his first wife, former Colombian culture minister Gloria Zea, and had a son with his second wife, Cecilia Zambrano.

The interview also touched on his narrow escape from a fire that broke out in his holiday home in the province of Antioquia in northwestern Colombia while he was staying there with friends in January.

Botero said he islucky to be alive: "I woke up and we managed to get out, in the dark, without any light, with everything full of smoke and almost asphyxiated but we managed it.

"It was terrible, 80 percent of the house burned down. It is a miracle I am alive," he told the newspaper.

One of the world's most sought-after contemporary artists, Botero has works on display in museums and parks around theworld.

He divides his time between Monaco, New York, Greece, Italy and Colombia.
Artista colombiano Botero dice ' No obsesionado con las mujeres gordas '

El artista colombiano Fernando Botero (L ) , acompañado de su esposa Sophia Vari , ver el rendimiento de toros en la plaza de toros de La Macarena el 25 de enero de 2014 en Medellín , Antioquia Dpto , Colombia . Foto: AFP
MADRID - de Colombia, Fernando Botero, cuyas pinturas y esculturas de mujeres regordetas le han ganado el reconocimiento como uno de los artistas vivos más famosos de América Latina, dice que "no está obsesionado" con las mujeres gordas .

El 81 - años de edad, insistió en una entrevista publicada el domingo que sus súbditos voluminosos no son grasa , prefiriendo en lugar de llamarlos " volumétrica ".

" Yo nopinto mujeres gordas . Nadie me cree , pero es cierto. ¿Qué pinto son volúmenes. Cuando pinto un bodegón también pinto con el volumen , si pinto un animal es volumétrica, un paisaje tan bien" , dijo a diario el periódico español El Mundo.

" Estoy interesado en el volumen , la sensualidad de la forma. Si yo pinto una mujer , un hombre, un perro o un caballo , siempre lo hago con esta idea delvolumen , no es que tengo una obsesión con las mujeres gordas " , añadió.

Cuando le preguntaron si se sentía atraído por " mujeres gordas " , Botero dijo : "No, no , para nada se me ha unido a tres mujeres , todas ellas flaca. ".

Botero dijo su esposa, la artista griega Sophia Vari, pesos sólo 55 kilos (121 libras).

Tuvo tres hijos con su primera esposa, la ex ministra de Cultura de...
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