Contracciones en inglés

Páginas: 5 (1005 palabras) Publicado: 31 de mayo de 2010
tha"n, mou"n, mi"n, bu"n that one,mountain,mitten,button [Uh"uh,I don' wan' the mou"n mi"n bu"n, I wan' tha"n.] (" =glottal stop internal 't')
'n' not, an, and, on, one, in, than [Izn' there 'n ATT off'r f'r cookies'n'cream bed'r 'n this 'n up 'n top a' tha"n'?]
'ee,'az,'(a)d,'m,'eer,'iz 'av, he, has, had, him/them, here, his, have [He'z 'ad 'm 'eer 'n 'iz house.] (not contracted atbeginning of sentence)
wud/ w'(d) what [Wud iz it? W'd'ee say?] (before a vowel or a ‘d’)
'll will [The boyz'll know whad'll be 'n store f'r us.] (not contracted at beginning of sentence)
'r are, our/her, or [Where 'r 'r kids? 'R they 'n 'r_room 'r outside?] (like starting a car, or a dog) S
'y(a)/j(a) (are/have/do) you ['Ya hungry, 'y'ea'n yet, 'r 'y'admit thach'r ea'n' still?](r/v/d' + y = y) T
'c'z because ['C'z y' didn' go, we didn' eith’r 'c'z we needed y'r help.] A
c'm come [C'm 'ere, I need ja t' c'm ov’r.] N
c'n can [C'n ya move where 'ee c'n see ya?] (not contracted before punctuation) D
can' can't [I can' go; 'n' y' know I can' do it, though ya hope I can, y' know I can't.] “ ‘
c'd, sh'd, (w) 'dcould, should, would [I’d as't b'fore, 'n'_now I'd think ya sh'd ask if ya c'd go.] (k + t = t) R
s'm some [S'm time ago 'ee as't if 'ee c'd 'av s'm_more.] “ D
su''m something [If y' c'n see su''m 'z wrong, ya sh'd say su''m 'bout it.] (m + thing = ''m)
-a'/O'- have/of [if 'ee c’d 'a' c'm at one o'clock 'ee w'd 'a' god a piece a' wood.] (final ‘v’ drops)
n'a' not have [Hew'd n'a' tak'n s'm o' wad 'ee sh'd n'a c'z 'ee c'd n'a'.] (final ‘t’ drops) “ O
kaina', sorda' kind of, sort of [I’m kaina tired 'c'z I work't sorda' too long.] (final ‘d’ drops) “ R
d'ee did he [Which way d'ee go? Why d'ee do it? Wha'd'ee want?] “ ‘
d'j(a) did you [Where d'ja go? How d'ja ge' there? When d'jeat? Why d'j ask?] (d + y = j) L
d'i(a) do you[H(ow-d)y(a) (do)? Wha' d'ia w'nt? D'ia see 'r? Why dia_ask?] (drop ‘oo’)
w(a)cha/ w'dia what are/do/have you [W'cha doin? Wacha do? = (W'dia do f'r a livin'?) Wacha done?] (t + y = ch) C
d'shi does she [D'shi know? How much d'shi owe me?] (z + sh = sh) ‘
w'shi was she [W'shi sick? How long w'shi?] “ N
i'shi is she [Where i'shi? I'shi late?] “ T(h)a'shi has she [Where 'ashi gone? Ha'shi call'd?] “ R
'she is/does/has she [When 'she c'min' in? What 'she_eat? Where 'she gone?] “ A
(i)z'r is her [When 'z 'r pardy? Iz 'r frien' there?] C
dun'no/ d'no don't know [I dun'no if 'ee can, 'n' they d'no either.] (nt + n = n) S
f'r- for- [Y' need 'a f'rgive 'n' f'rget f'rev'r; that's f'r sh'r!](e/i/o/u + r = r) H
gonn'a/ (g)'n'a going to [I'm gonn'a go home 'n' I'm 'n'a go d' bed.] (ng + t = n)(m + g’n = m'n) ‘
-in' -ing [It’s gettin' late 'n' I’m thinkin' 'bout goin' home.] N
gi'mmi/ g'mi give me [C'n ya gimmi a sample? I wancha da g'mi s'm a' those.] (v + m = m) Z
lee'me leave me [Please lee'me a message then lee'me alone!] “
le'mme let me [Le'mme see -le'mme 'av that 'n.] (t + m = m)
(g)'night good night (said only in late night departure) 'Night-'night! (d + n = n)
(g)'mornin' good morning (said only in formal greetings, as in g'daft'rnoon and g'dev'nin')(d + m = m)
(g)'bye God be with ye (said only in departure) 'Bye-'bye! (d + b = b)
(d)bed'r had better [Y' 'bed'r watch out; y' bed'r not cry; y' bed'r not pout.](advisability) “
'godda/ g'da (have/has) got to/a [Ya' 'godda study ev'n if ya' 'g'da headache.] (urgency) (internal ‘t’s = d)
(h)afta have to [Y' hafta study or'l c'ntracsh'nz b'fore I 'afta go.] (present importance) (v + t = ft)
(h)asta has to [She hasta study f'r th' test t'day.] (3rd per. singular – present importance) (z + t = st)
(h)adda had to/a [He hadda study...
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