Cuando no tienes algo

Páginas: 6 (1316 palabras) Publicado: 27 de febrero de 2012
When you don’t have something you become obsessed with it

It all began in high school no one never notice me you can say I was a loner they called me names like emo, freak, loser and u know the usual. I didn’t have a lot of friends but thank god some people talk to me. The people I most hate it was the popular kids I wish I was one of them they were perfect and yes I mean perfect they werelike beautiful, popular, they were in teams, they were some head cheerleader and the guys there jocks that always playing football different kind of sports I usually dream of being them…


This is so frustrating I was still the same loser back then. In my school they were announcing a camping trip. Today I was so excited I havenever been in a camping trip before but at the same time I didn’t wanted to go because the popular people always bothering me making fun of me Im tired of being push around.

That night (camping trip)

We arrived like and hour ago we were unpacking everything it was night already so fast maybe this is another reason I don’t like camping because it creepsme out at night. Well I was outside with a friend called Edgar it was an interesting conversation but I was still waiting for my best friends Kyle and Jaime. I said goodbye to Edgar because he wanted to finish something but he didn’t told me what was it then I began to walk when I notice I was walking all alone this seems creepy I said to myself trying not to panic but I calm down thinking aboutthis wonderful view up here I really enjoy camping actually its really calm you can hear the river and the palms that moves in a particular rhythm and you could see the moon shinning so bright but the thing that really freaks me out was that I was all alone surrounded by creepy trees, I was in the scariest forest you could imagine. I was freaking out I was talking in my mind to see if that couldcalm me down just then I heard a weird sound maybe I was imagining. Just then I hear someone whispering my name I told myself okay maybe im not imagining. I then began to start walk back to my tent but it was so far away, I was afraid when I heard something moving in the bushes when I saw he’s face I almost die I scream so loud that I could hear my teacher calling us back and that face was Kyle mybest friend he scared me so badly I thought I was about to die. The teacher finds us and calls us to go back to the campfire where everyone was. When we got to the campfire people stare at us like if I was a freak or something I ignored them and started to make some warm delicious marshmallows we ate them and the teacher said we should go to bed because tomorrow was going to be a long day. I thensaid bye to my friends but it was weird that I haven’t seen Edgar anywhere so I ignore him and went to bed. Until a while I woke up at 3:00 am because I heard something weird I turn on my flashlight and saw a shadow running that caught me off guard I got out of my tent looking for my friends when I open Jaime’s tent she was cut all over her body I touch her to see if she was alive but she was deadI started to panic how could she be dead I was cover with all her blood. I run out of her tent calling everyone that she was dead they kept staring at me like if I was crazy or something and then they began to scream at me loser, freak, you killed her how could you do that to your own friend. I told them it wasn’t me they didn’t believe me and I started to run away to see if I could calm myselfdown a little just then I heard someone following me, I think im allutiating but then I could here those steps coming closer I started to freak out and saw a shadow coming towards me saying that I was next but why me I was a loser. I got scared so I began to run so fast I fell down the floor hurting my leg really bad, I started to scream for help when I saw the shadow, I started to ask him why...
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