Cuento de ingles

Páginas: 5 (1030 palabras) Publicado: 19 de marzo de 2011
Desde hace tiempo, una rana soñaba con ser princesa, ella pasaba todo los días viéndose al espejo con frecuencia, a cada hora, a cada instante, inclusive mucho antes de irse a dormir. Cierto día, le tocaron la puerta y al abrir era un sapo que la esperaba allí. Lo primero que ella le vio fue un físico perfecto y una forma de hablar espectacular, pero finalmente se quedó viendo su vestimentaparecida a la de un obrero y lo rechazó porque estaba completamente sucio.
El sapo a duras penas iba a comenzar a hablar; pero se fue muy apenado porque la rana le cerró la puerta con fuerza. El mismo sapo estuvo volviendo al lugar por siete veces y ella con la misma le cerraba la puerta cuando le tocaba responderle. Un día ella decidió salir a inhalar aire y llevar un poco de sol, pero nunca dejó deverse en el espejo, nunca dejó de ponerse sus mejores vestidos, nunca dejo de soñar su vida como princesa.
Y al salir vio un grupo reunido, cosa que le dio curiosidad y se unió a el sin decir nada, y vio que en el centro del grupo se encontraba el mismo sapo que ella le cerró la puerta en ocasiones anteriores; vestido como todo un príncipe, con el mejor traje que allá visto jamás. Entonces sinperder más tiempo se le acerco a el sapo y le dijo hola te acuerda de mi, al final el le contesto que si, mientras se alejaba del lugar.
Entonces fue allí donde ella prefirió entrar nuevamente a su casa. Al día siguiente el sapo volvió a vestirse como antes igual a un obrero y se dirigió a la casa de la rana, tocándole de nuevo a la puerta; pero al abrir la rana por vez última le cierra la puertacon fuerza y el sapo con la palabra en la boca se aleja del lugar. Dos días más tarde ella volvió a salir a inhalar aire y a llevar un poco de sol y otra vez volvió a
Has long dreamed of being a frog princess, she spent every day seeing the mirror frequently, every hour, every moment, even long before bedtime. One day, knocked on the door and opening it was a frog who was waiting there. The firstthing she saw was a perfect physique and a spectacular way of talking, but finally seeing his dress was similar to that of a worker and rejected it because it was completely dirty.

The frog would barely begin to talk, but he was very sorry for the frog firmly closed the door. The same toad was becoming the place for it seven times with the same shut the door when it came to answer. One dayshe decided to leave to breathe air and take some sun, but never stopped to look in the mirror, never failed to wear their best clothes, never stop dreaming her life as a princess.

And she saw a group gathered to leave, which she was curious and joined it saying nothing, and saw that the center of the group was the same frog that she closed the door on previous occasions, dressed like a princeall with the best costume ever seen there. So without further delay was approached to the frog and said hello you remember me, in the end he answered yes, while away from the place.

So was there that she preferred to go home again. The next day the frog turned to dress as soon as a worker and went to the house of the frog, touching back to the door, but when she open the frog for the last timeshe force the door closed and the frog with word in the mouth leaves the place. Two days later she came out to breathe the air and bring a little sunshine and over again saw the same frog wearing the same clothes look of earlier.

Dad soon came to the place toad, that was king. She looked very lively the toad often the king asked the frog if he had searched his princess and very sorry he saidyes, but she threw the door at most times I was there. The king told to stay quiet, they soon find it and he just wanted to be happy. The father toad replied: "I will go there again. I'm going back to see if I can make the attempt again. " But when that frog heard that, she hurried to his house without saying anything.

But upon arrival at the house said a thousand times: "the next time I hear...
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