Desempeño De Ingles Para Primaria

Páginas: 7 (1594 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2012
English development for kids

C1. Oral communication–listening
Students will be able to listen properly in order to understand everyday expressions, dealing with needs, feelings and likes. They will be able to show comprehension of songs, rhymes, riddles and tongue twisters by identifying its vocabulary, characters and main idea. They will be able to listen to a story being readduring story time and answer simple basic questions. They will be able to follow conversations supported by gestures to help convey meaning. They will be capable of taking part in basic class debates. Students will be able to understand ¨Wh¨ questions: what, where, who, when, why. They will be able to differentiate questions from statements. They will be capable of identifying beginning and endingsounds, short and long vowel sounds, and blends.
C2. Oral communication–speaking
Students will be able to answer ¨Wh¨ questions (what, where, who, when, why, how and how many) in complete sentences. They will be able to express basic needs, feelings and opinions using the vocabulary and grammar structures covered during the year. They will to count from 0 to 100. They will be able toparticipate in simple conversations with others. They will be able to describe pictures and paraphrase experiences, opinions and needs. They will be able to recite poems, chants, rhymes, songs, riddles and tongue twisters with the proper pronunciation and intonation. They will be able to ask for explanation, clarification and repetition.
C3. Visual communication–reading
Students will be able to readsimple fiction and non-fiction texts in an inferential level by predicting, generalizing and establishing cause and effect. The student will be able to change parts of the story. They will be able to summarize: the general idea of simple informational texts, short descriptions and stories while using visual support. They will be able to follow three step written instructions.
They will be able to usepicture dictionaries to identify word meaning. They will be able to read short simple texts and stories aloud. They will be able to recognize, describe and illustrate basic elements in short stories like: plot and its structure (beginning, middle, end) characters and setting, and follow and reproduce the sequence of events. They will be able
to identify and name concepts of print: covers,title, author, illustrator, capitalization and punctuation.
C4. Written communication–writing
Students will be able to produce pictures that represent the vocabulary and grammar structures used in class. They will be able to write complete sentences. They will be able to use the period as a punctuation mark. They will be able to use capital letters for proper names and to start sentences. They willbe able to write number names, words and do short sentence dictations. They will also be able to order sentences with the teacher´s assistance. They will be able to use question marks correctly. They will become familiar with the writing process: writing, revising and rewriting.
C1. Theoretical process
Students will be able to observe and establish some basic characteristics of theenvironment, with the help of the teacher. To list simple characteristics of living and non- living things in their own words and give examples by using graphs, drawings and words. To gather information from different sources like books and the environment, and represent it in graphs and drawings with help of teacher.
To compare and establish some similarities and differences between living and non-living things. The student will be able to recognize patterns and complete sequences. The student will be able to express verbally or by graphic organizers, main characteristics (shape, color, size, texture and function) of specific objects, and\or situations with the help of an adult. To measure length, weight and temperature with appropriate tools with teacher help. To interpret information...
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