
Páginas: 20 (4966 palabras) Publicado: 22 de julio de 2012
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Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Dörr, Anneliese;Gorostegui, M. Elena;Viani, Sandra;Dörr B, M. Paz Adolescentes consumidores de marihuana: implicaciones para la familia y la escuela Salud Mental, Vol. 32, Núm. 4, julio-agosto, 2009, pp. 269-278 Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente MéxicoDisponible en: http://redalyc.uaemex.mx/src/inicio/ArtPdfRed.jsp?iCve=58212276002

Salud Mental ISSN (Versión impresa): 0185-3325 perezrh@imp.edu.mx Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente México

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www.redalyc.org Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de accesoabierto

Salud Mental 2009;32:269-278

Adolescentes consumidores de marihuana

Adolescentes consumidores de marihuana: implicaciones para la familia y la escuela
Anneliese Dörr,1 M. Elena Gorostegui,2 Sandra Viani,1 M. Paz Dörr B3
Artículo original

Human groups make up for themselves, for the others and for the events they live explanations that, although not scientific,determine the practices that regulate their behavior. In the case of marijuana consumption, the representations of young people in particular and society in general influence the decision about whether or not to continue consuming. The perception of risk associated with consumption by high school students dropped from 60% in 1994 to 36.9% in 2004, which backs up the relationship between high consumptionand low risk perception. Cannabis is the illegal drug with the highest indexes of consumption in the world with an increasing growth rate, to which we may add the alarming reduction in the age when people begin consuming it. This research paper is concerned with the effects of consumption on cognitive processes in school and social performance: a drop in performance, more problems getting alongwith others, absenteeism and drop out. The study aims to know how low marihuana doses affect cognitive ability in post-primary students. There are no studies concerned with the effect of marihuana in non-patient students (i.e. not diagnosed with addictive behavior and not considered socially as drug addicts). Material and methods Sample: The sample comes from high school students in public schools,private subsidized schools and private paying schools. The sample was stratified by non-proportional affixation, considering the sex, course and social economic level variables, and was made up of 304 students in high schools of the Metropolitan Area (Santiago), belonging to low, medium, and high socioeconomic groups (determined by dependence and the city in which the school is located). Theresearch is descriptive, not experimental, ex post facto. Instruments: Group application to the entire sample (n=304) a) Psychosocial evaluation and consumption questionnaire, abbreviated and adapted, aimed at the collection of demographic data, consumption behaviors and other required information. The young people are identified with a number in order to ensure their anonymity and thus promote thetruth of the responses. Domino Test (D-48): Evaluates non-verbal intelligence. It controls differences caused by social and educative factors. It is applied on a group basis in order to discard subjects whose IQ is lower than average, regardless of consumption.


b) c)

Rey Complex Figure Test: Widely used in recent studies on the effects of drugs on teenagers. Evaluates neuropsychologicalfunctioning. Benton Test: Evaluates current intellectual efficiency from the attention span, concentration and immediate retention. Verbal memory (Rey): Evaluates immediate verbal memory.

Results General: The total results for the three schools polled and evaluated show that 14.5% of the students declared that they consumed marijuana at least four times during the last month. The proportion...
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