Ejemplos De Tiempos Simples Ingles

Páginas: 7 (1724 palabras) Publicado: 17 de septiembre de 2011

I fight with a bear | I don't fight with a bear | Do I fight with a bear? |
You clean the room | You don't clean the room | Do You clean the room? |
He cries very strong | He doesn't cry very strong | Does He cries very strong? |
She eats pizza | She doesn't eat pizza | Does She eat pizza? |
It bites a girl | It doesn't bite agirl | Does It bite a girl? |
We write the homework | We don't write the homework | Do We write the homework? |
You read many books | You don't read many books | Do You read many books? |
They fly in airplane | They don't fly in airplane | Do They fly in airplane? |

Do I fight with a bear? | Yes, I fight with a bear | No, I don't fight with abear |
Do You clean the room? | Yes, I clean the room | No, I don't clean the room |
Does He cries very strong? | Yes, He cries very strong | No, He doesn't cry very strong |
Does She eat pizza? | Yes, She eats pizza | No, She doesn't eat pizza |
Does It bite a girl? | Yes, It bites a girl | No, It doesn't bite a girl |
Do We write the homework? | Yes, We write the homework | No, We don'twrite the homework |
Do You read many books? | Yes, We read many books | No, We don't read many books |
Do They fly in airplane? | Yes, they fly in airplane | No, they don`t fly in airplane |


I fought with a bear | I didn´t fight with a bear | Did I fight with a bear? |
You cleaned the room | You didn´t clean the room | Did Youclean the room? |
He cried very strong | He didn´t cry very strong | Did He cry very strong? |
She ate pizza | She didn´t eat pizza | Did She eat pizza? |
It bit a girl | It didn´t bite a girl | Did It bite a girl? |
We wrote the homework | We didn´t write the homework | Did We write the homework? |
You read many books | You didn´t read many books | Did You read many books? |
They flewin airplane | They didn´t fly in airplane | Did They fly in airplane? |

Did I fight with a bear? | Yes, I fought with a bear | No, I didn´t fight with a bear |
Did You clean the room? | Yes, I cleaned the room | No, I didn´t clean the room |
Did He cried very strong? | Yes, He cried very strong | No, He didn´t cry very strong |
Did She eatpizza? | Yes, She ate pizza | No, She didn´t eat pizza |
Did It bite a girl? | Yes, It bit a girl | No, It didn´t bite a girl |
Did We write the homework? | Yes, We wrote the homework | No, We didn´t write the homework |
Did You read many books? | Yes, We read many books | No, We didn´t read many books |
Did they fly in airplane? | Yes, They flew in airplane | No, They didn`t flew in airplane|


I will fight with a bear | I won´t fight with a bear | Will I fight with a bear? |
You will clean the room | You won´t clean the room | Will You clean the room? |
He will cry very strong | He won´t cry very strong | Will He cry very strong? |
She will eat pizza | She won´t eat pizza | Will She eat pizza? |
It will bite agirl | It won´t bite a girl | Will It bite a girl? |
We will write the homework | We won´t write the homework | Will We write the homework? |
You will read many books | You won´t read many books | Will You read many books? |
They will fly in airplane | They won´t fly in airplane | Will They fly in airplane? |

Will I fight with a bear? | Yes, I willfight with a bear | No, I won´t fight with a bear |
Will You clean the room? | Yes, I will clean the room | No, I won´t clean the room |
Will He cry very strong? | Yes, He will cry very strong | No, He won´t cry very strong |
Will She eat pizza? | Yes, She will eat pizza | No, She won´t eat pizza |
Will It bite a girl? | Yes, It will bite a girl | No, It won´t bite a girl |
Will We...
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