El Origen De Las Especies Resumen

Páginas: 2 (357 palabras) Publicado: 20 de junio de 2012
The title of COBRO DE SANGRE is due to the fact that Samuel Sotomayor was a boy come of the murder of their parents who were killed in an unjust manner and brutal. Also is due tothe fact that while Samuel charged revenge hurt innocent people.
Mario Mendoza
Mario Mendoza Zambrano was born in 1964 in Bogota, Colombia. He studied at the Colegio Refous and at thePontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, where he earned a master's degree in Latin American literature.
After graduating from literature and work as an educator, Mendoza, decided to start his literarycareer, beginning in 1980 by combining the writing with teaching and collaboration with various cultural media such as newspapers and magazines, among them the Bacanikay The Time Magazine (Colombia) .Thanks to its novel Satan, won the Biblioteca Breve Prize of the publishing house Seix Barral in 2002. Mendoza is one of the most recognized Latin American authors of the present.
La ciudadde los umbrales (1992)
La travesía del vidente (1995)
Scorpio City (1998)
El viaje del loco Tafur(2003) editada antes bajo el título Relato de un asesino (2001)
Satanás (2002)
Cobro de Sangre(2004)
Escalera al cielo (2004)
Los hombres invisibles (2007)
Buda Blues (2009)
La Locura de nuestro tiempo (2010)
Apocalipsis (2011)

Samuel Sotomayor (Efrain): Samuel was a young boy thathad a dark past, wanted to take revenge for the death of their parents. He thought in a future without violence. He created a terrorist group. He change of personality

Constanza: Constanza was abeautiful girl; she was the first girlfriend of Samuel. She was the directing attacks on the terrorist group. After the end with Samuel, she is afraid of, she was again a prostitute.

Rosario: Rosariowas waitress and the second and last girlfriend of Efrain (Samuel). She was the one who told the authorities that he was the murderer.

Ezequiel: Ezequiel was a prisoner of the “La Modelo de...
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