El Saber De Los Poblemas

Páginas: 2 (397 palabras) Publicado: 27 de febrero de 2013
You Know You’re in Trouble When...
Have you ever felt like your blood is cold in a certain moment? Your happiness and smile turns into a nervous face and a blocked mind?
Everyone can be in troubleat any time, any day. Maybe you broke your mother’s favourite porcelain cat because you played “G.I. Joe” in the living room or maybe you shut down your father’s laptop with a glass of water becauseit said “Refresh the Page”
Maybe no one noticed that... or at least you think so, but then you hear the scream of your death “Miguel Gumaro Palangana de Urquidi, come here!” You’re done.
Also youknow you’re in trouble when a good friend says “Hey, dude! Did you study?” “Uhmm... wut?” “Yeah, for the math exam...” “Oh, Christ...” It’s a sensation between thrill and indigestion.
Or like when yourgirlfriend or boyfriend says “... We need to talk...” Depending on the person it can be as good as Jesus or as bad as hell. Pink Floyd once said “You better keep your feelings deep inside” Take notes.Sometimes, you know, you seem like you want to be in trouble; I don’t know if because it’s exciting, you don’t have anything to do or you want to bother someone... or a combination of the three.Your mother says “You’re not going to The Who concert with your friends; you have French class tomorrow” She goes out. 30 min later you are laying on your bed and suddenly... a great idea gets into yourmind. You take your lovely blankets with bunnies, you tie the blankets somewhere and there you go, down and down ‘til you touch the ground and... the party is on. 3:00am you arrive at your house,climb up you blankets, turn around... “Hi, mom...” Oh, you fool, you knew you didn’t get the permission, but either you went, knowing you would be in trouble.
We need troubles; they make us think in aningenious way how to solve it... or evade it. They also bring emotion to our lives. Clear examples of this are the animals of the zoo. They have food, a good habitat, health, they have all they...
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