El tercer articulo de la constitución de mexico

Páginas: 4 (974 palabras) Publicado: 15 de febrero de 2011

The Third Article says that everyone has the right to education. The State, Federal, State, Federal District andmunicipalities, provide preschool, primary and secondary education. The preschool, primary and secondary education must be mandatory basic form.

The education provided by the State will develop harmoniously allthe faculties of man and promote him, at once, the love of country and awareness of international solidarity, independence and justice.

I. Article 24 guaranteed freedom of belief, such educationshall be secular and, therefore, be kept entirely separate from any religious doctrine;

II. The criteria that will guide such education shall be based on the results of scientific progress, fightagainst ignorance and its effects, servitudes, fanaticism and prejudice.

a) shall be democratic, considering democracy not only as a legal structure and political regime, but as a way of life foundedon constant economic, social and cultural life of people;

b) It shall be national in-without hostility or exclusiveness, attend to the understanding of our problems, the use of our resources, todefend our political independence, the assurance of our economic independence and the continuity and growth of our culture,

c) contribute to better human relationships, both elements contribute tostrengthening in the pupil, together with respect for the dignity and integrity of the family, the conviction of the general interest of society, there for the care they put into sustaining theideals of fraternity and equal rights of all men, avoiding the privileges of race, religion, groups, sexes or individuals;

III. To give full effect to the provisions of the second paragraph and insection II, the Federal Executive shall determine the plans and curricula of preschool, primary, secondary and teacher for the Republic. To this end, the Federal Executive will consider the opinion...
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