Elementos de un oración (inglés)

Páginas: 6 (1278 palabras) Publicado: 13 de junio de 2011
Sentence Structure
Elements of a sentence:
The sentence is a group of words expressing a complete thought and is composed of 2 parts:
Subject + Predicate
We work at the office

Subject: The subject performs the action of the sentence. It can be a noun, noun phrase, or noun clause. 
Predicate: The predicate always consists of a verb and a complement. Toform a complete sentence, the predicate must include a verb. It can also include objects, complements, and adverbials.
Parts of the sentence:
A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Whatever exists, we assume, can be named, and that name is a noun.
Categories of Nouns:
* Proper Nouns: A proper noun, which names a specific person, place, or thing. Example: (Carlos,Queen Marguerite, Middle East, Jerusalem, Malaysia, Presbyterianism, God, Spanish, Buddhism, the Republican Party), is almost always capitalized. A proper noun used as an addressed person's name is called a noun of address. 
* Countable Nouns: which name anything that can be counted. Example: Car, Computer, Lake, Boy, Cat, etc.
* Uncountable: Spain, Water, Sky, Fire, etc.
* Colectivenouns: Example: Army, Company, University, Christianism, etc.
Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. Examples: Good, Fast, Easy, Old, Lineal, Complex, etc.
* Calificatives Adjectives: They express the qualities of the noun to which they modify and are located in front of this one. They change neither the kind (genre) nor the number.Examples: black, gray, blue, rectangular, round, etc.

Viruses are tiny organisms. 
Calificate Adjective

* Degrees of Adjectives
Adjectives can express degrees of modification:
Gladys is a rich woman, but Josie is richer than Gladys, and Sadie is the richest woman in town.
The degrees of comparison are known as the positive, the comparative, and the superlative. (Actually, only thecomparative and superlative show degrees.) We use the comparative for comparing two things and the superlative for comparing three or more things. 
Positive | Comparative | Superlative |
Rich | Richer | Richest |
Lovely | Lovelier | Loveliest |
Beautiful | More beautiful | Most beautiful |
Certain adjectives have irregular forms in the comparative and superlative degrees:
IrregularComparative and Superlative Forms |
Good | Better | Best |
Bad | Worse | Worst |
Little | Less | Least |
some | More | Most |
Far | Further | Furthest |

* Possessive Adjectives: Are used to indicate to whom the subject or object of the sentence. They are followed by a noun (or noun clause).
Possessive Adjectives |
my | mi / mis |
your | tu / tus |his | su / sus |
her | su / sus |
its | su / sus |
our | nuestro/a/os/as |
your | vuestro/a/os/as |
their | su / sus |
Verbs carry the idea of being or action in the sentence. Example:
I am a student.
The students passed all their courses.
* Auxiliar Verbs:
Do, Does, Have, Has, Had, Are, Is, Am, Was, Were, Will, Would, Can, Did, Could, May.
* Mental Action Verbs:Think, Dream, Love, Memorize, Forget, etc.
* Linking Verbs: A linking verb connects a subject and its complement. Sometimes called copulas, linking verbs are often forms of the verb to be, but are sometimes verbs related to the five senses (look, sound, smell, feel, taste) and sometimes verbs that somehow reflect a state of being (appear, seem, become, grow, turn, prove, remain). What followsthe linking verb will be either a noun complement or an adjective complement. Examples:
* Those people are all professors.
* Those professors are brilliant.
* This room smells bad.
* I feel great.
* A victory today seems unlikely.
Regular Verbs:
A regular verb is any verb whose conjugation follows the typical grammatical inflections of the language it belongs to. A verb...
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