Ensayo sobre internet en ingles

Páginas: 2 (293 palabras) Publicado: 6 de junio de 2010
The Internet
* The Internet was created in 1990.
* Internet was that give to the world a full connection.
* First, the internet was used the rich people.
* Theinternet will be used by the most of the people
* Different activities can be possible by the internet.
* The e-mail, MySpace and Facebook are seen in Internet.
* News can beknown by the internet.
* The television can be seen by the Internet
* Music can be downloaded by the Internet
* In The Job is helped by the internet
* The companies whogiven us this services can be cablemas, infinitum.
* A Lot of programs and software can be downloaded and installed by Internet.
* Information of all type can be read by theinternet.
* A Lot of things can be sold by the internet.
* A lot of things can be bought by the internet.
* Videos can be seen by the internet.
* Videogames can be playedby the internet.
* Different Public Services can be paid by the internet.
* Telephone calls can be possible by the Internet.
* Blogs Can be Uploaded by the internet.
*Electronic Books can be read by the internet.
* Money can be bet in the poker games, casinos online.
* A personal Web page can be had by the internet.
* A lot of Money canbe spent in different activities.
* Prizes and Money can be won by the spams Windows.
* Music online can be Heard by the internet.
* Documents, Images, and others can besought by the internet.
* Articles can be written by internet.
* Sports results can be seen by internet
* The weather can be checked by the internet.

Colegio DeBachilleres De Baja California
Nueva Tijuana
Oraciones en voz pasiva sobre un invento
Aarón Leal Contreras
Antonio Fuentes Vazquez
Daniel Mota Manso
Prof. Carlos Gutierrez
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