
Páginas: 2 (445 palabras) Publicado: 22 de noviembre de 2011
El orfanato Título El orfanato
Ficha técnica Dirección Juan Antonio Bayona
Dirección artística Josep Rosell Producción Guillermo del Toro
Joaquín Padre
Mar Tarragona
Álvaro Agustín Diseño deproducción Josep Rosell Guion Sergio Gutiérrez Sánchez Música Fernando Velázquez Fotografía Óscar Faura Montaje Elena Ruiz Vestuario María Reyes Reparto Belén Rueda (Laura)
Fernando Cayo (Carlos)Roger Príncep (Simón)
Geraldine Chaplin (Aurora)
Montserrat Carulla (Benigna)
Mabel Rivera (Pilar)
Andrés Gertrúdix (Enrique)
Édgar Vivar (Prof. Leo Bálaban) Ver todos los créditos (IMDb) Datos ycifras País(es) España
México Año 2007 Género Terror - Thriler - Drama Duración 100 minutos Compañías Productora Rodar & Rodar Presupuesto 4.500.000 € Recaudación 25.061. 417,48 € (España)78.638.987 (Mundial) Ficha en IMDb
Ficha en FilmAffinit.
De que trata
This is a girl whose childhood had been in an orphanage, then she adoption, and she grew up and wanted to l orphanage was again used bychildren, because their son was infected by AIDS, so she did not know at that orphanage killed had children, and she throws a party for her son and takes account of everything, and she discovers allthat mystery.

Describe lo que ocurrió en mi esecena favorita
I liked the part where she is given notice that in the orphanage asesanado had several children, and each of them had a mask, and adoll, then she was found with one of them, and showed him all his face and she ran to catch his son and killed him thinking he was the child of the mask.
Quien fue tu personaje favorito y porqueLaura, because she is the protagonist and Cueto is given all things that happen in the orphanage, also because she suffers everything you hizieron children, and they think that she is bad, and die likethem.
Que te parece el final
is very nice because it comes out, playing with all the children even though they are dead, but she can see, and also tells them everything they hizieron, and she sees...
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