Factores que intervienen en el estudio

Páginas: 5 (1028 palabras) Publicado: 21 de marzo de 2011
Date: Today is Monday, February 21st 2011.
Regular verbs
1. Aceptar: She accepts our opinions.
2. Admitir: I admit my problems.
3. Añadir: She adds some rice in the soap.
4. Aconsejar: My mom advises her son.
5. Estar de acuerdo: He don`t agree with me.
6. Permitir: He don`t allow play in his house.
7. Responder: Please,answer the questions.
8. Llegar. - I arrive to a México city.
9. Preguntar.- Please, ask the problems in Ecuador.
10. Adjuntar- He attaches the news paper with magazine.
11. Asistir.- I attend in my university.
12. Evitar.- They avoid their problems.
13. Creer.- I believe in the ghost.
14. Llamar.- She calls me in the noon.
15. Llevar.- You carry the books athome.
16. Limpiar.- I clean my house in the morning.
17. Cerrar.- I close the door in the night.
18. Cambiar.- I change my shoes with my mom.
19. Comprobar.- I check the answers in the university with my friends.
20. Copiar.- I copy the test.
21. Llorar.- I don´t cry in the street.
22. Cocinar.- My mom isn´t cook delicious food.
23. Discutir.- My teacher isn´t discusswith lazy students.
24. Disfrutar.- I enjoy in the park together my family.
25. Arreglar/Reparar.- I fix the toys in the toy store.
26. Freir.- My brother fries potatoes at midnight.
27. Ocurrir/Suceder.- What happen in the library?
28. Ayudar.- The doctors help some people every days.
29. Esperar.- She doesn´t hope in the church .
30. Unir .- I join some fruitsfor milk shake.
31. Saltar.- I jump in the park after the breakfast.
32. Golpear.- I knock the door twice a week.
33. Reirse.- Mario and Carlos are laugh in classroom and they are outgoing.
34. Aprender.- The students learn English in the university.
35. Gustar.- Matilde and Mariana are good friends. They like the ice cream.
36. Escuchar.- Carlos listens the music inthe CD player.
37. Vivir.- I live in Quito with my parents.
38. Observar.- We look the moon and stars at night.
39. Mover/ Mudarse.- My father moves his books.
40. Memorizar.- They memorize the lesson and their homework.
41. Necesitar.- I need the water for live.
42. Notar/Prestar atención.- We notice the soap opera.
43. Empacar. They pack the vegetables.
44.Levantar.- You raise the papers.
45. Recordar.- He doesn´t remember the lesson
46. Guardar/Ahorrar.- She doesn´t save money in the Bank.
47. Compartir.- My brother shares the soap.
48. Servir.- They aren´t server the soap.
49. Quedarse/Permanecer.- The nurse stays in the hospital.
50. Detenerse.- The policeman stops the cars.
51. Viajar.- We travel the city tomorrow.52. Probar/Intentar.- We try buy the new car.
53. Conversar.- She talks with a friends.
54. Usar.- I use the dictionary for the verbs.
55. Visitar.- I visit the church in the mornings.
56. Trabajar.- She works in the hospital
57. Lavar.- He washes the car twice a month.
58. Mirar.- I watch TV in my house.
59. Caminar.- He walks in the park and the stadium.60. Esperar.- Don´t move, wait a moment…
61. Querer.- I want to dance in the concert.

1. Ser/estar.- I am a student.
2. Empezar/comenzar.- I begin a good student.
3. Llegar a ser.- I become to policeman
4. Romper.- he breaks the dish.
5. Traer.- They bring the food at house.
6. Construir.- I build a street.
7. Comprar.- My mother buys in thecenter.
8. Elegir/escoger.- He choose the pants.
9. Venir.- Please, come to the church.
10. Costar.- How much those it cost?
11. Cortar.- I cut my hair and brush it.
12. Hacer.- I do my homework and study the lesson.
13. Beber.- I drink some water and eat the sandwich
14. Conducir.- My father drives a red car.
15. Comer.- I eat rice and soap in the lunch.
16. Caer.-...
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