
Páginas: 2 (386 palabras) Publicado: 11 de octubre de 2012
I address my car
You address her car
He address him car
She address my airplane
It address her airplane
We address your life
They address motorcycles
You address trucks

Irun my car
You run her car
He runs him car
She runs the motorcycle
It runs the trucks
We run in to Olympics
They run her motorcycle
You run him motorcycle

I talk with my mother
You talkwith him
He talks with her
She talks with my father
It talks with my cousin
We talk with my grandfather
They talk with my grandmother
You talks with my sister

I listen to music
You listenpop
He listens rap
She listens metal
It listens the radio
We listen the tv
They listen the hip hop
You listen the country

I quarrel with my sister
You quarrel in her house
He quarrels withmy brother
She quarrels with her
It quarrels in the school
We quarrel with my father
They quarrel with my grandfather
You quarrel with my grandmother

I Am addressing mycar
You are addressing her car
He is addressing him car
She is addressing my airplane
It is addressing her airplane
We are addressing your life
They are addressing motorcycles
You areaddressing trucks
I am running my car
You are running her car
He is running him car
She is running the motorcycle
It is running the trucks
We are running in to Olympics
They are running her motorcycleYou are running him motorcycle

I am talking with my brother
You are talking with my sister
He is talking with my mother
She is talking with my cousin
It is talking with my uncle
We aretalking with my grandmother
They are talking in my house
You are talking in her house
I am listening pop
You are listening metal
He is listening country
She is listening hip hop
It is listeningthe radio
We are listening the tv
They are listening to music
You are listening the songs
I am quarreling with my sister
You are quarreling with her sister
He is quarreling with my brother...
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