Generación de metadatos

Páginas: 10 (2378 palabras) Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2011
Crear nuevo metadato

1.- crear nueva carpeta en ROOT\web\xml\schema
Llamarlo organisation
Creamos el archivo organisation_template.xml dentro de O y copiamos lo siguiente
        <orgTitle>New organisation</orgTitle>
        <orgContactInfo>            <orgContactName/>
        <mdFileID>este debe ser unico</mdFileID>
En geonetwork\web\geonetwork\loc\en\xml

Creamos el archive organsation.xml con el contenido
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root>
      <metadata help="root entity which defines metadata about the organisation">Organisation's Metadata</metadata>
      <orgTitle help="The organisation's name">Organisation's name</orgTitle>
      <orgAcronym help="abbreviations that is formed using the initial letters of words or word parts in a name.">Acronym</orgAcronym>
     <orgParentInstitution help="The institution above this organisation, if applicable">Parent institution</orgParentInstitution>
      <orgDesc help="Description of the main goal of the organisation">Description</orgDesc>
      <orgContactus>Contact us</orgContactus>
            <orgPOBox>P.O. Box</orgPOBox>            <orgCity>City</orgCity>
            <orgPostalcode>Postal Code / Zip</orgPostalcode>
            <orgProvince>Province / State</orgProvince>
      <orgSuppInfo help="any other descriptive information about the dataset">Supplemental Information</orgSuppInfo>
      <orgContactInfo help="person to contact">Contact name</orgContactInfo>
            <orgContactPhone>Phone and ext.</orgContactPhone>
      <mdFileID help="unique identifier for this metadata file">File identifier</mdFileID>
3 en organisation crear schema.xsd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schemaxmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<!-- complex type declaration -->
<xs:element name="metadata" type="metadata"/>

<xs:complexType name="metadata">


<xs:element ref="orgTitle"/>

<xs:element ref="orgAcronym"/>

<xs:element ref="orgParentInstitution"/>


<xs:element ref="orgSuppInfo"/>

<xs:element ref="orgContactus"/>

<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="orgContactInfo" />

<xs:element ref="mdFileID"/>



<xs:element name="orgContactInfo" type="orgContactInfo" />

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  • metadatos
  • metadatos
  • Que es un metadata
  • Metadatos
  • metadatos
  • metadatos
  • Metadatos
  • Metadatos y atributos

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