
Páginas: 2 (306 palabras) Publicado: 13 de noviembre de 2012
Dear ‘The News’ Editor,
I am writing in response to the article ‘Great Steps Forward’ by Laura Smith printed on October 1st. I am pleased to express my views on the issue ‘Human GeneticEngineering’. This science can bring about a great amount of transformation in the characteristics of an organism by tried and tested manipulations of DNA. Like any other science, genetic engineeringwill presumably change our lives in different ways.
On the one hand, positive genetic engineering deals with improving the positive traits in an individual like increasing longevity or humancapacity while negative genetic engineering is based on the suppression of negative qualities in human beings like certain genetic diseases. Furthermore, there is a strong possibility that itwill help the design of better antibiotics that will be able to cure terminal illnesses once and for all. In this way, scientists have created gene therapy which is the medical treatment of adisease by repairing or replacing defective genes or introducing therapeutic genes to fight the disease.
On the other hand, there are many arguments against human genetic engineering regarding tosafety issues and the loss of identity and individuality. Not only cloning can be detrimental to human diversity but also goes against religion and moral values. Moreover, many people worry thatthis techniques will probably be used commercially, for instance to manufacture ‘superchildren’ with unnatural physical advantages.
In conclusion, genetic engineering is a valuable technology,but it is not without its disadvantages and technical difficulties. As long as the benefits make up for any negative effects and that everything possible is done to minimize those risks, newtechnologies should be pursued with vigor. Only when we learn to use science in a conscious way, we will be able to discover cures for actually serious diseases that affect people around the world.
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