
Páginas: 6 (1428 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2013

|3-1-09 |3-2-09 |3-3-09 |
| | | |
|Warm-up: |OFF |Workout:|
|10 minutes of a mix between: |DAY |10x Handstand Extensions |
|Practice handstands, jump rope, & KB Swings | |15x Overhead Squats @ 45#(BB) |
|@ 30# | |20x SA KB Swing @ 30# (Alt arms each rep)|
|Workout: | |50x Double Unders |
|5 rounds for time of: | |5 rounds with very little rest between |
|5x Muscle-ups | |Then:|
|10x Handstand Push-ups | |1x Snatch + 2x Overhead Squats = 1 rep |
|15x KB Swings @ 50# KB | |Do 1 every 30 seconds for 5 minutes @ 75# |
|20x Double Unders | |Rest 2 minutes|
|Time = 23 minutes | |Do 1 every 30 seconds for 5 minutes @ 95# |
|(Traveling the last few days really affected| |Rest 2 minutes |
|my performance today) | |Do 1 every 30 seconds for5 minutes @ 115# |
| | |Then: |
| | |Turkish Get-up with Barbell |
| | |1x6 (per side) @ 45#|
| | |1x4 (per side) @ 65# |
| | |1x2 (per side) @ 85# |
| | |1x2 (per side) @95# |
| | |1x1 (per side) @ 105# |
| | |1x1 (per side) @ 115# |
| | |1x1 (perside) @ 125# |
| | | |

|3-4-09 |3-5-09 |3-6-09 |3-7-09 |
| |Workout: | ||
|Ran about 4 |10 rounds for time of: |OFF |Workout: |
|miles throughout|400m run |DAY |10x Squat Clean & Thruster Toss @ 30# Heavy bag |
|Old Town St. |10x Pull-ups | |20x...
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