
Páginas: 12 (2777 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012

"And it came to pass that when men had multiplied on the face of the earth and that daughters were born of them. The sons of the divine race found them beautiful and chose wives freely among the daughters of men. The Almighty said: "My spirit will not reside in men for a long time, because it to becomes flesh. Their days will be reduced to a hundred and twenty years. "The Nephilimappeared on earth at this time, and also since the sons of God mingled with the daughters of men and that children were born of them"(genesis 6:2 adapted translation from Hebrew)
This is one of the most obscure and less talked about passages of the ancient testament. We will try to understand why. Most of the literature regarding chapter 6 was cut off, so we will find most of the relatedinformation in the apocryphal writings.
The word NEPHILIM comes from the Hebrew verb NOPHEL which means falling. NEPHILIM means the fallen ones, note that there is a more complete meaning that is retroactive; NEPHILIM means the fallen ones who caused the world to fall. There is a double motion.

There has been a lot of dispute around the right translation of the Hebrew words "BENE ELOQUIM"

BENEELOQUIM means literally SONS OF GOD; logically these words are talking about angels. Some scholars argued and agreed that BENE ELOQUIM means JUDGES in the sense that judges had divine intuition therefore they could not be corrupted by the daughters of men. This is a non Kabbalistic interpretation, we will not consider it for now and we will agree that BENE ELOQUIM means ANGELS.

So angels at onepoint of history had sexual intercourse with humans.
Heretic some may say. The fact remains that this is a very strong concept in all the world s religions.

There are two points of view concerning that episode,
1-some angels willingly rebelled against the creator, then came on earth etc. There is only one problem with that theory Angels have no FREE will.
2-In Jewish oral tradition we learnthat GOD appointed some angels (the watchers) to monitor the wellbeing of us humans here on earth. Having taken human form, once on earth they fell in the trap of their new flesh, listening to their earthly desires, they copulated. Their children corrupted the earth and brought the flood onto them.
This union was of unnatural nature and it surely had dire consequences;
Lets look at genesis 6;12" All flesh had perverse ways" .How can an animal have perverse ways ?

The answer is that the NEPHILIM introduced zoophilia on earth; and broke down the natural order of things.
"The viper would mingle with the lion, and the vulture with the dog, and man with nephilim, nephilim with animals etc.....They also drank each other blood .

Some accounts have been written about the NEPHILIM, forinstance a midrash of genesis Rabbah says that on a wedding night ,a nephilim would appear in front of the newly wed, possess the man than kill him ,than he would possess(sexually) the bride, kill her too, drink their blood and vanish.
Other sources states that they would feed on live camels and horses.

A Talmudic scholar asks: "How can a angel, which is pure white fire penetrate a woman withoutburning her from the inside? His master answered: They took human shape that’s how they were able to copulate. In fact it was those bodies who entrapped them so that they couldn’t resist earthly desires.

The NEPHILIM offspring four different races;
THE ANNAKIM (they would weigh chains until earth’s core could not support them.)
THE REPHAIM (Your heart will melt in their presence)
THEZAMZOUMIM (Achievers, Their necks would obscure the sun.)
THE EMMIM (Terrifying ones)
THE GIBBORIM (The strong ones, the giants, the ancient heroes)
The babies were born with a normal size, and then they would grow wildly till their giant state. (Their femoral bone would measure eighteen meters.)
If the father was an angel, we would have a first generation giant, the biggest in size,
If the...
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