Ingeniria civil

Páginas: 3 (513 palabras) Publicado: 1 de junio de 2010

It is a branch of engineering that applies the knowledge of physics, chemistry and geology to the development of infrastructure, especially buildings, water works and transport,generally large and for public use.

History of civil engineering.
Engineering started when humans began to build their homes and their weapons. The first men used some principles of engineering toget their food and skins. The development of engineering with the agricultural revolution began in 8000 a.C., when nomadic tribes were no longer to grow their products and raise food animals. By theyear 4000 a.C., with the settlements around the river Nile, Eufrates and Indo civilization began writing.
A short time ago, the term architect focused everything related to construction,architectural knowledge, structural, geological and hydraulic. It is after the Renaissance when the development of knowledge and new social demands require the expertise of the branches of engineering. It was theneed who did the first civil engineering history.
Branches of civil engineering.

* Structural Engineering.
It deals with the design and calculation of the structural part of building andother works. Its purpose is to achieve varying loads resistant structures, any permanent loads and loads such as earthquakes, wind, snow, etc. In a practical sense, structural engineering is theapplication of continuum mechanics for the design of structural elements and systems such as buildings, bridges, walls, tunnels, among others.
* Geotechnical Engineering.
Deals with the study ofmechanical properties, hydraulic and engineering of materials from Earth. Geotechnical engineers in charge of estimating the resistance between the earth's crust particles of different nature, size, moisture,cohesion, and soil properties in general, in order to ensure the interaction of soil with the structure. and designing foundations for structures such as buildings, bridges, hydroelectric plants,...
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