La adolescencia

Páginas: 2 (434 palabras) Publicado: 19 de septiembre de 2012

Adolescence is a period in the biological, psychological, sexual and social immediately following the beginning with childhood and puberty. Its duration range varies with differentsources and medical opinions, scientific and psychological, but usually falls between the start 10 to 12 years, with completion at 19 or 20.Adolescence is a time of change essentially. This stage marksthe transformation of the adult child, is a period of transition that has peculiar characteristics. It's called adolescence, because its protagonists are young people who are not yet adults but nolonger children. It is a time of discovery of identity (psychological identity, sexual identity ...) as well as that of individual autonomy.
For the World Health Organization, adolescence is the periodbetween 10 and 19 years and falls within the period of youth, between 10 and 24 years. Puberty or early adolescence is the first stage usually begins at age 10 in girls and 11 in boys and goes up to14-15 years. The middle and late adolescence extends to 19 years. A teenage youth remains full, from 20 to 24 years.Some psychologists believe adolescence spans up to 21 years and some authors haveextended adolescence in recent studies at age 25. BODYMost important changes of puberty of an adolescent and approximate ages that should occur
Button on the breasts breast: is the first growth ofthe breast in women, just behind the areola (dark area of skin containing the nipple). Initially it may appear alone. Usually with pain sensation (feeling) spontaneous and / or rubbing.Age: 8 to 13years

Spurt in puberty: Significant growth in stature. In women develops rapidly after the onset of breast button is quite earlier than boys.

The first menses: Mernarquia menarche,which occurs close to 2 years after breast button. Age: 9 to 16 years

Armpit or pubic hair: Its appearance is often soon after breast button.
Most important changes of adolescents at...
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