La hora veinticinco

Páginas: 2 (330 palabras) Publicado: 4 de septiembre de 2012
1) is essential for the proper management of the bars and get good jobs
2) is the key instrument for without it we could not talk about the sport, they must be fixed to the ground
3) outsix competitors in each group for various arts
4) is creating opportunities for outstanding works of a different way, because the better the punctuation
5) performance is evaluatedthroughout the athlete has in his speech given expression, rhythm and acrobatics
6) gloves are necessary for the sport and binding, you can avoid peeling hands
7) 8:these are super strict with theathlete's work, because every mistake is they do pay dearly
8) 7:Gymnastics can be defined as a systematic way of physical exercises designed for therapeutic purposes,
9) athletes use thismaterial in their hands so that they do not slip and fall.
10) these can be long or short, should be adjusted to the body and any color
11) This is according to the performance of theathlete, because the better the job the better the punctuation
12) this should be close fitting with short sleeves and country colors
13) is super important, because in this sport is not standingstill positive at times, this low concentration
14) These can also be to the taste of the athlete and the team
15) should be appropriate to the rules of sport and l institution.

Pintornacido en mi tierra,
Con el pincel extranjero,
Pintor que sigues el rumbo,
De tantos pintores viejos.

Siempre que pintas iglesias,
Pintas angelitos bellos,
Pero nunca te acordaste,De pintar un ángel negro.

Pintor si pintas con amor,
¿por qué desprecias su color,
Si sabes que en el cielo,
También los quiere dios?

Pintor de santos de alcoba,
Si tienes alma enel cuerpo,
¿por qué al pintar en tus cuadros,
Te olvidaste de los negros?

Aunque la virgen sea blanca
Píntame angelitos negros,
Que también se van al cielo,
Todos los negritos buenos.
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas