Licenciada en enfermería

Páginas: 6 (1273 palabras) Publicado: 15 de septiembre de 2012
Como Escribir una tesis de Maestría

Una buena tesis contiene:
* Identifica una buena pregunta
* Provee una respuesta satisfactoria a esa pregunta
Que le hace buena a una pregunta, permanecer sin respuesta y su respuesta debe servir como una contribución al conocimiento.
By convincing the reader that you have chosen a good question and that you have answered it, you have alsoconvinced the reader that you have made a significant and original contribution to knowledge

Esquema general de una tesis:
* Introduccion
* In the opening paragraphs, your goal is to introduce the reader to the particular question your thesis is seeking to answer. Unlike in the traditional five-paragraph essay, in thesis writing the introduction is not merely a summary of points to beelaborated on in later sections. Rather, your objective here is to inform the reader of what the question is, why it is important, and how your thesis will provide an answer
* Informacion de Base
* Thesis writing often produces works of highly esoteric content. Depending on the nature of your work about, it may be necessary to provide the reader with some measure of background information relevantto the topic. This is particularly useful when your work is interdisciplinary, in which case it is even more likely that the reader will benefit from a section that contextualizes the question and supplies the history and terminology so that the reader will be better able to follow the pages the come. It is often more engaging to use a topic-specific title for a section on background information,e.g. “A General Overview of the Proto-Germanic Vowel System.”
* Revision de Literatura
* The next step is to review the current state of research on the topic entertained in your thesis. This differs from a section on background information in that whereas background information remains more general in scope, this section concentrates on those issues and aspects of the field thatspecifically relate to the question you seek to answer. As such, this section should also incorporate an examination of the varying viewpoints surrounding your question, in order to orient the reader in the discourse of the field. Keep in mind, however, that at this stage of the thesis writing your goal is simply to present these varying viewpoints, not to be critical of them. That comes later.
*This section should also be given a topic-specific title, and should be organized by ideas rather than by authors or works. Using subsections is a practical means of distinguishing the different approaches to the problem.
* Enuncia la pregunta o problema
Different disciplines use different words to refer to the central focus of the thesis. Whether it is a question you are trying to answer or aproblem you are trying to solve, there are three important steps to take in establishing the role of your thesis:
* State the question.
* Assert that this question remains unanswered.
* Argue why this question is worth answering at all.
In stating the question, clarity is of utmost importance. Here it is not a good idea to beat around the bush. Use clear, concise language and exactterminology to avoid misleading the reader.
In the second part, your goal is to assert that your question remains unanswered. It is in this phase of the thesis writing that you provide critical analysis of the information you presented in the preceding section. Take the various approaches that have been put forth by other authors and in other works about, and show that each of them fails toprovide a wholly satisfactory answer to the question. Of course, it is not necessary to pick them apart one by one. Since you organized the preceding section by ideas, you can now take on entire classes of approaches rather than individual authors or works.
Now that you have established that your question remains unanswered, your final task in this section is to argue why it is worth answering this...
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