Manual orgplus formatos

Páginas: 4 (825 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2011
OrgPlus 9 - Using the 'Format' and 'Special' Advanced Data Fields
The Format and Special advanced data fields allow users to include formatting information in their import data. The Formatdata field is used to set properties such as box shape, color, and field layout. The Special advanced data field is used to specify the chart properties such as background, title, and header andfooter information. The Special field can also be used to exclude a record (i.e. calculations, totals, etc.) if it does not pertain to your hierarchy.
In order to take advantage of the Formatand Special fields you must include them in your data source.
For example, importing the following data:
|ID |Reports To |Name |Title |Special|Function |
|  |  |  |  |title="My Corp" |font= "Verdana, 24" |
|  | |  |  |chart_fill="solidfill, green" |  |
|1 |  |Lynn Brewer |CEO | |fields_show="Name, Title", |
| | | | | |font="Verdana, 12, blue"|
|2 |  |Larry Stevens |VP Sales |  |fields_show="Name," , font="Verdana, |
| | | || |9", box="round_rect" |
|3 |  |Claire Chancellor |VP Engineering |  | |

The Special field can also be used to ignore any row from the import data source. For example, as shown below, an Excel file containing a summary row.
|ID |Reports To...
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