Mapa mental

Páginas: 2 (273 palabras) Publicado: 15 de febrero de 2010
Presente prefecto
Has-- I, we, you, they
Have—he, she
El presente prefecto es una acción pasada con efectos en el presente
FROM>person pronombre + have has+ past. Participle of main verbEJEMPLOS DEL PRESENTE PREFECTO:
She has cleaned your room
I have worked in the afternoon
He hasn´t won the lottery
You have thought in the school
Have they written an book?
Has she sworn winin the futball?
We have sung in a concert tomorrow
He hasn´t driven the car well
We haven´t understood well the problem
Has he spoken Spanish?
Have they taken beer in the morning?
Youhaven´t fixed the hardware?
I haven´t play basketball in the night
I have take my life
She has jumped the house with the car
You have changed the car for an houseThey have ridden the horse in the morning We have stolen an bank yesterdayHe has heard the music of the sterile She has hit to with friend
Forma pasado pasado base simple participioArise(levantarse) arose arisen awake(despertar) awoke awakenedbe(ser, estar) was, were beenbeat(lair) beat beaten become(volverse) became become...
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