Marketing Project Restaurant

Páginas: 22 (5434 palabras) Publicado: 14 de abril de 2011



International Business


Samantha Lanaway

Date of submission: May 28th, 2009

General Information


Type of business: Services

Location: Lima –Lima –Miraflores – Larco Avenue

Miraflores is a prosperous district, safe and very important to Lima because it’scommercial, cultural and tourist movements. Therefore, we have decided to set up our “peña” there in order to prosper at the same time with this district.

Introduction of the business promoters

- Cisneros Espinoza , Diana
- Flores Consoli , Maria Grazia
- Ortega Gutierrez , Carla
- Tello Gatica , Liessel

Business opportunity

People in Lima are continuously looking for an entertainingplace where they can find different services so instead of going to different places and moving from one local to another, they can save money and time; this is what most people are looking for. In addition there is a lack of “peñas “, and there are not places that emphasise the use of “Cajon peruano” as we do.

Product or service

“SON CRIOLLO” is a special place because it offers threedifferent kinds of services which are: restaurant, bar and artistic shows. It focuses itself on purely Peruvian cuisine as well as the artistic show; however, our bar offers a wide variety of national and international drinks. Our service is available from Monday to Sunday and according to the preferences of the clients.
We offer artistic show only on weekends and during specific hours; it wouldstart at certain hour according to the day it is presented.

The rest of days we have food service as any other restaurant.

There are two schedules:
❖ lunch hour (12:00- 6:00 )
❖ dinner hour (8:00-3:00)

In addition there is a special schedule on national holidays.


To bring the best service in a welcoming place in order to raise Peruvian awareness to love and identifyourselves as part of a rich Peruvian culture, enhancing our main richness which are music, dances, Creole food, and the people who belong to this wonderful country. Our mission is to welcome clients and make them feel like part of “SON CRIOLLO” `s family.


Within five years we will expand our Peña nationally, specifically in most of the costal area: Piura, Trujillo, Ica, Tacna andChiclayo, where we can share our main interest: to love and celebrate Peruvian culture.


Long – term goals

- >Within 5 years we will have expanded to Trujillo, Piura and Chiclayo, which are our main points in Coastal area, with one local in each department.

- > Within 5 years we will offer a special service, that consist in the possession of a special cardwith benefits, called” SOY CRIOLLO” for the most frequent customers .

- > Within five years we will offer our brand name as franchises, and as international investors bought them, we will expand internationally.

- > Within 5 years we will gathered with other peñas and services to execute “El Festival Criollo de Lima “

Short – term goals

- > Within 1 year we will create a warmatmosphere and a familiar relationship with our clients, through a personalized attention and a high quality service.

- > Within 1 year we will recover our initial investment through margins.

- > Within 1 year we will be well-known in Peru’s market, through specific marketing strategies (this would be explained on one of the next pages)

- > Within 1 year we will have a web-site and blogswhere customers can recommend us to their friends and family.

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