Metodo para calcular gasto de tinta

Páginas: 19 (4520 palabras) Publicado: 26 de abril de 2010
Method of determining printing ink consumption in an offset printing press
United States Patent 5031535

A method of determining printing-ink consumption in an offset printing press includes feeding printing ink to an inking unit of a printing press via an ink duct having adjustable ink-gap openings, and via an ink-duct roller which absorbs the ink emerging from the ink-gap openings;determining ink-film thicknesses (sF) from the ink-gap openings, and ink-strip length (lF) and ink-strip width (bF) per unit time from the rotational speed of the ink-duct roller, and calculating therewith the quantity of printing ink supplied per unit time of per number of printed products in accordance with the equation MF =K×sF ×lF ×bF ×f
wherein K represents a constant specific to theprinting-press and f represents both a function specific to an adjustment of the press and also a function specific to the material, and displaying the determined ink consumption.
1. Method of determining printing-ink consumption in an offset printing press, which comprises feeding printing ink to an inking unit of a printing press via an ink duct having adjustable ink-gap openings, and via an ink-ductroller which absorbs the ink emerging from the ink-gap openings; determining ink-film thicknesses (sF) from the ink-gap openings, and ink-strip length (lF) and ink-strip width (bF) per unit time from the rotational speed of the ink-duct roller, calculating therewith the quantity of printing ink supplied per unit time or per number of printed products in accordance with the equation MF =K×sF ×lF ×bF ×fwherein K represents a constant based upon a ratio of ink-film thicknesses on a plate cylinder and a rubber-covered cylinder of the printing press specific to the printing-press and f represents a function containing factors influencing ink flow specific to an adjustment of the press and specific to material being printed on, displaying the determined ink consumption and, in accordance with thedetermined ink consumption, introducing at the start of a printing job a quantity of ink obviating any necessity for checking and replenishing the ink during the performance of the printing job.

2. Method according to claim 1, which includes determining the ink-gap openings with ink-metering devices.

3. Method according to claim 1, which includes feeding-back the data regarding the ink-gapopenings and the ink-strip width set in the printing press to a control device in the printing press, calculating with the control device the consumption of printing ink from the fed-back data.

4. Method according to claim 1, which includes feeding the determined consumption of printing ink to at least one of an operating-data registering system and a protocol printer.

5. Method accordingto claim 1, which includes comparing, during the printing operation, the consumed quantity of printing ink with the quantity of printing ink applied to the ink duct prior to the start of printing and generating a warning signal and/or triggering a control intervention in the printing press when the quantity falls below a residual value.

6. Method according to claim 1, which includesdetermining an ink-density value from a printed product by means of an ink-density measuring device, and determining from the ink-density value a correction for an ink consumption measurement.

7. Method according to claim 1, which includes forming a correction factor from at least one of the temperature and viscosity of the printing ink and the type of paper to be printed.

8. Method according toclaim 1 which includes determining the proportionate area of a printing plate covered by a printed image, and forming therewith and with a determination of the number of printed products to be produced a first approximate value for the consumption of printing ink.

9. Method according to claim 8, which includes determining an ink-density value from a printed product by means of an ink-density...
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