Muchas vidas

Páginas: 3 (593 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2010
Many Lives Many Masters

I know there is a reason for everything.
Perhaps at the time an event occurs we will have no psychological insight or foresight needed to understand the reasons, but withtime and patience will come to light.
So it was with Catherine. I met her in 1980 when she was twenty years.
she came to my office seeking help for anxiety, phobias, panic attacks.
Although thesedo symptoms accompanied her from childhood, in the recent past had gotten much worse.
Every day had been more emotionally paralyzing, less able to function.
she were terrified and understandablydepressed.
In contrast to the chaos of had been life at that time my life flowed serenely.
has been a happy and stable marriage, two young children and a flourishing career.
From the verybeginning, my life seemed to always follow a straight path.
I grew up in a loving home.
Academic success had been presented with ease and, just joined the faculty had already taken the decision to bepsiquiatra.
had been graduated from Columbia University, New York, in 1966, with full honors.
continued his studies at the medical school of Yale University, where I received my medical degree in 1970.After being in an internship at University Medical Center New York, he would return to Yale to complete his residency as a psychiatrist.
At the end, been accepting a position at the University ofPittsburgh.
Two years later he joined the University of Miami, to head the department Psychopharmacological.
will have been a national reputation in the fields of biological psychiatry and drugabuse.

Muchas Vidas Muchos Maestros




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Sé que hay un motivo para todo. Tal vez en el momento enque se produce un hecho no contamos con la penetración psicológica ni la previsión necesarias para comprender las razones, pero con tiempo y paciencia saldrán a la luz.
Así ocurrió con Catherine. La...
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