Planeación estratégica

Páginas: 3 (567 palabras) Publicado: 1 de marzo de 2012
Ensayo: Planeación Estratégica. Aspectos o conceptos se han ido paulatinamente integrando a ella.

The objective of this essay is to introduce what the circumstances in which emerges the concept ofstrategic are planning and how have this evolved. It also presents different definitions of well-known authors on different perspectives in which the concept is developed to explain the enormousimportance and advantages offered by the strategic planning as a tool in any company
Strategic planning became an administrative tool of common use among successful U.S companies after the Second WorldWar.
Chandler (1962) tried to define strategy as: “a determination of the basic long-term goals of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of actions and the allocation of resources necessary tocarry out these goals."

Another notion given by Glueck (1976) said about strategy as a integrative plan that is designed to reach certain basic objectives.

In this respect we all know that “toplan” is to set a specific course of action and establish principles that guide its implementation (Reyes, 1996).

According to Fayol, planning is envisioning the future such as establish theactivities of a company for a period of time which may be long-term or short-term

On the other hand the word strategy comes from the Greek strategeia that means art or science of being in general.Previously, the concept was used to define the protection of cities from invaders. Thus, the strategy of an army could be defined as a pattern of actions taken to respond to the enemies (Stoner, 1996).According to this perspective about strategy as a response to external opportunities and “treats”, the formulation and implementation of strategy include evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of theorganization, defining roles, and developing appropriate rewards to keep those people motivated to make contributions (Argyris, 1985).

General Robert E. Wood, CEO of mail order house Sears Rebuck and...
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