
Páginas: 8 (1875 palabras) Publicado: 11 de abril de 2012
Child Obesity an Actual Problem
Ronald Guzman

Child Obesity an Actual Problem

To understand what child obesity is how it is measured and what kind of system has been used, we need to refer to the information provided from the” Kids Health” (2009) report. Obesity is an unhealthy amount of fat in a human’s body. In the adult, the BMI of 30 or more would be considered as overweight. TheBMI is the Body Mass Index. It is a measure of the body fat in a human found in adults and children (Gavin, 2009). Child obesity is a problem in the world and not many people know how to deal with it.
Child obesity is a condition where body fat negatively affects a child’s health. It occurs when a child is well above weight for his or her age and height. Childhood obesity is actually a publichealth concern. It can cause health problems or even death to a child in his or hers early life, or later in the child’s adulthood because all the extra pounds create health problems. It is a major problem in today’s society. So many things can cause this, such as the people and the own child’s habits.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) reports that 10 percent of preschool age children and 15percent of 6- to 19-year olds are considered overweight.
Child obesity doesn’t depend on how old the child is or what sex the child is either. One of the things that it depends on is the child’s health habits, such as eating habits and how much the child exercises. But obesity can also happen because of genetics given by the parents, or something similar, as if the child has a medical illness. Butnot only does the child have a part in this, but it is also the world we live in now. Today’s children spend more time in front of the TV or computer instead of burning calories outside. Video games replace imagination when children were actually active. Technology has been growing, and in comparison so has children’s weight. Many kids are spending less time exercising and more time in front of theTV, computer, or video-game console. And today's busy families have fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals (Gavin, 2009). They spend about 6 hours a day sitting around in front of technology. Technology replaces the activities children should be doing daily.

This condition can cause serious health problems to the child at any age. Doctors agree that the more overweight theperson is, the more health problems the person would have. A person is considered overweight if he or she is 20% more than the healthy weight for his or her height. The first problems that would occur would be emotional or psychological. But the life-threatening problems would be diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, heart problems, cancer, and even more problems. Other issues, caused bybeing overweight would be anorexia, bulimia, skin conditions and respiratory problems. But who can we blame the obesity in the United States to, the parents, the schools or the children, themselves? Well actually we can blame both the parents and schools. They both ignore a child’s eating habits as they get older. Parents need to understand or inform the child on what should be the right food toeat at times. Parents neglect to get the information that they need to know about the good habits in the daily alimentation to their kids. Sometimes parents don’t know what should be the right amount of calories, fat, nutrients, etc. that kids need to have in their food. Parents need to learn and understand what the best food to prevent obesity is.
Parents that spend too much time at work wouldhave the higher possibility of having overweight children. This is logical because as the hard working parent gets home, he or she would be too tired to cook the right food for their own child. Therefore restaurants or any other fast food restaurant would be the solution to feed the hungry kids. The tired parent would also be too out of physical condition that will not do any exercise with the...
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