Quito. cultural patrimony of the humanity

Páginas: 5 (1088 palabras) Publicado: 13 de junio de 2011
Quito. Cultural patrimony of the Humanity

Quito (2.850 msnm), located next to the volcano Pichincha (4.794 msnm) and declared by the Humanity's UNESCO Cultural Patrimony, it is one of the most important historical cities in Latin America. With remarkable architectural beauty, it contains churches and convents built in the time of the Colony. Of classic and Baroque architecture, thetemples show the great sobriety with which they were lifted. The Metropolitan Cathedral, located in front of the Square of the Independence, is one of the constructions of more historical and architectural importance, as well as Saan Francisco, Jesus' Compañía, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, The Sagrario, The Grace, Carmen Bajo, San Sebastián, Santa Bárbara and San Blas. Great part of their interiorenclosures, mainly altars and pulpits, they are decorated in bread of gold and they harbor countless works of art religious. The museums of some of them keep valuable collections of paintings and sculptures belonging to the Escuela Quiteña.

Another construction of importance is the Palace of Carondelet, headquarters of the Central Government. The old helmet of Quito, of narrow and sheer stonestreets, shows in all its journey the Spanish influence in the facades of its houses, its balconies, tile roofs, thick columns and central patios. Another area of colonial style, outside of the old helmet, is the neighborhood of Guápulo, to the oriental side of the city, where she/he is the sanctuary of the Virgin of Guápulo, the oldest in the Ecuador. Besides it, the Ecuadorian capital is a modernmetropolis with a hotel infrastructure that has the most important chains in the world. She/he has likewise, countless restaurants with national and international gastronomy, commercial centers, theaters, centers of conventions and all that the most demanding tourist requires. During the month of December they take place the parties of the city with bullfights, the queen's election, concerts ofnational and international music, dance popular, pyrotechnic games, etc. The city was founded December 6 1534 by Sebastián of Benalcázar.


In several populations of Pichincha their residents ancestral, religious parties and pagans take place. In Czech, May 2, it is celebrated the Señor of the Buena Esperanza. In the month of June in half of the World, in Cayambe and inSangolquí, they celebrate the Party of the Corn and of the Tourism. July 29 in Cayambe, Pomasqui and Tabacundo, the homage is San Pedro and San Pablo. September 24 Remove she/he makes honor at the Virgin of the Grace, and November 21 she/he takes place the Party of the Virgin of the Quinche. In this time they are carried out imposing and nurtured pilgrimages toward this Sanctuary, one of the mostimportant of the country. And in March and April the Week it is celebrated Santa (in the whole country) with public acts as processions and parades of religious character. On Sacred Friday the procession of Jesus of the Great Power is made, in I Remove, one of the events of more transcendency.

Half of the World. Here the planet is divided

To twenty minutes of I Remove the Ciudad Mitad ofthe World is". The complex consists on the reproduction of a typical town of you Walk them, with its central square. To a side and like one of the main constructions of the sector, is the Monument halfway the World, with a mirador and an anthropological museum of the different regions of the country. Surroundings are other attractions like a small planetarium and a scale model of the colonial Quito.There is also a walk with the effigies of the scientists of the Geodesic Mission that you/they came to Ecuador to measure the arch of the meridian that divides to the Earth in two hemispheres, as well as pavilions dedicated to the countries that conformed this mission.


Cayambe is to 45 minutes to the north of I Remove. This gentle town, known by their production milkmaid...
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