Report on faith

Páginas: 2 (363 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2010
To me Mana was one of the more difficult to interpret because of growing up in the Catholic faith. I understood things in a limited way an inherited belief if you will. The teachings of theChristian Bible state in the story of creation that God created the world. That the winds blew over the waters. There it is clearly stating that the winds represent the spirit, which is not neutral butactively creating, forming the world.

Another element of Mana that’s difficult to understand fully is that this ideology was created by certain people who kind of created their interpretation. WithChristianity you follow the guidelines and good things are suppose to happen. A person puts themselves in accord with the good and stay away from the darkness, the bad. Because life takes on a linearpath not a cyclical and that a persons life is headed toward God’s final intention heaven.

Animism as well will fall into a similar category as mana. Because only man was made in the image ofGod. As opposed to basic Christian belief that man is superior to all animals. Only human being can have an fulfilling relationship with God through the rituals put forth and atonement for anywrongdoing. Also a man like Moses could actually communicate with God. Only man can have a direct dialogue with God. There is no scriptures stating that animals will be judged for their live if they havebeen good or bad.

Animals or rocks have no eternal destiny. This is because man has demonstrated his dominion over animals by ownership and prospering from their forced labor and by the actualbuying and selling over them.

In the Book of Genesis it states that man should “be fruitful and procreate and fill the world with children and own it and reign over the fish of the sea, the birdsof the sky, over all the animals and living creatures over the whole world”.

In Deuteronomy 25:4 it states “Oxen were made to work by treading out grain. It would be rewarded for its work, but...
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